Исторические изменения часовых поясов - доступ с помощью java возможен?

Aug 27, 2009 22:05

Существует т.н. банк данных часовых поясов Zoneinfo. В котором есть инфо по изменению часовых поясов/обозначении времени итд в разные промежутки времени см. , например Грузию, а именно файл из архива asia
С другой стороны в АПИ явы есть классы SimpleTimeZone , а также sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo.java. sun.util.calendar.ZoneInfo.java содержит исторические изменения летнего времени в отличие от SimpleTimeZone.
К сожалению данный класс информации про исторические изменения часовых поясов - не содержит. Пока кроме парсования БД в текс. форме никаких решений не появилось:-/ Возможно есть иные способы?
Спасибо за ответы.
Под катом -пример БД по Грузии

# @(#)asia 8.36
# This file is in the public domain, so clarified as of
# 2009-05-17 by Arthur David Olson.
# Georgia
# From Paul Eggert (1994-11-19):
# Today's _Economist_ (p 60) reports that Georgia moved its clocks forward
# an hour recently, due to a law proposed by Zurab Murvanidze,
# an MP who went on a hunger strike for 11 days to force discussion about it!
# We have no details, but we'll guess they didn't move the clocks back in fall.
# From Mathew Englander, quoting AP (1996-10-23 13:05-04):
# Instead of putting back clocks at the end of October, Georgia
# will stay on daylight savings time this winter to save energy,
# President Eduard Shevardnadze decreed Wednesday.
# From the BBC via Joseph S. Myers (2004-06-27):
# Georgia moved closer to Western Europe on Sunday... The former Soviet
# republic has changed its time zone back to that of Moscow. As a result it
# is now just four hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time, rather than five hours
# ahead. The switch was decreed by the pro-Western president of Georgia,
# Mikhail Saakashvili, who said the change was partly prompted by the process
# of integration into Europe.

# From Teimuraz Abashidze (2005-11-07):
# Government of Georgia ... decided to NOT CHANGE daylight savings time on
# [Oct.] 30, as it was done before during last more than 10 years.
# Currently, we are in fact GMT +4:00, as before 30 October it was GMT
# +3:00.... The problem is, there is NO FORMAL LAW or governmental document
# about it. As far as I can find, I was told, that there is no document,
# because we just DIDN'T ISSUE document about switching to winter time....
# I don't know what can be done, especially knowing that some years ago our
# DST rules where changed THREE TIMES during one month.

Zone Asia/Tbilisi 2:59:16 - LMT 1880
2:59:16 - TBMT 1924 May 2 # Tbilisi Mean Time
3:00 E-EurAsia GE%sT 1994 Sep lastSun
4:00 E-EurAsia GE%sT 1996 Oct lastSun
4:00 1:00 GEST 1997 Mar lastSun
4:00 E-EurAsia GE%sT
4:00 E-EurAsia GE%sT 2004 Jun 27
3:00 RussiaAsia GE%sT
4:00 - GET
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