So, just to let you guys know.

Feb 26, 2013 03:03

I'm still here. Sort of. Not on LJ as much, but hey. That's what Tumblris for, right?

Anyway, letting you guys know life is kinda hard right now. We might lose our house in a few days, a few of our cats died, and my amazing girlfriend's mom passed away recently.

It sucks. We're trying to keep our heads held high, but this really is a rough year for us. If it seems like we've been ignoring anyone, sorry. We're struggling to get by right now and it's not meant as ill intent, we just have our own stuff going on.

We posted a few 'pimp us out' things and they seem to have been well received. Some people reblogged and helped us out, some didn't. We don't hate the people who didn't promote us. Everyone seems to be having a crappy year and we, of all people, can understand that. Getting worked up over something that trivial, letting it ruin friendships, it just seems silly to me.

So love you guys! Overhauling my journal. Will I be getting rid of the anime icons?

Nope. Still love them. Peace.


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