May 24, 2010 06:18
I can’t believe I’m saying this but I’ll say it anyways…
I SO LOVE THE OLYMPOS ALBUM BY LANDS!!! And I just don’t love it…I REALLY REALLY LOVE IT!! It’s like there’s nothing in it that I don’t all!! Damn it!! It’s awesome!! It’s so my type of music!! If all of these songs will be played on the Bandage Movie, then I will surely watch it!!
I guess I’m a fan of LANDS now...just like Kame…hahahaha.
I'm so proud of you Jin!! It must definitely be a great honor to have this kind of opportunity!! I think I would love for LANDS to have another album to release, though I don't think my heart can still take it with another 'leaving KAT-TUN to go solo thing'. But I think I have to get used to it since it's Akanishi we're talking about (as long as he's going to release songs as beautiful as in the LANDS album).