Title: Forbidden Fruit
fireside_storyChapter: 5/?
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 4, 748
Genre: Erotica
Pairings: Kameda, Ryoda
Disclaimer: I do not have any connections to Johnny's Entertainment or any of its members past or present. I write this story for my own pleasure and make no profit from it.
Summary: Ueda is bisexual and Kame is straight, but after one lustful passion filled morning Kame is willing to experiment. Will Ueda be able to hide his feelings for the younger man as Kame figures out his sexual orientation, or will it all be too much for him to handle.
Warnings: sexual content, language.
Beta'd: Only by me, and only a little.
Chapter 1|
Chapter 2|
Chapter 3|
Chatper 4|
Chapter 5|