Roleplayer Test

Jul 08, 2009 00:23

Your result for Roleplayer Test!...

The Biographer

Plotful, Character-Oriented, Platonic

Like the Portraitist, the development of your character is the most important thing to you when you roleplay. However, you like your development and relationships to have some kind of overarching plot: you're not the type to enjoy a dressing room or any kind of roleplay where your character can't grow in at least a semi-structured manner. You enjoy exploring your character's psyche, but simple exploration isn't enough: you like to discover and then implement and use, and therefore continuity (which gives you "why"s and "how"s) is very important to you. You struggle when your character has no solid base in which to put down its roots, such as in games where there isn't enough structure or ones where the plot is continually changing.

Take Roleplayer Test!
at HelloQuizzy

This is like... right on the dot. Wow. I bolded stuff that are really precise, then italicized things I didn't realize until now, but are still true. Crossed out things that kind of don't fit.

Yeah, this... really does fit me. I am/was a total Biographer when it comes to characters I've played for significant amounts of time. When I find it difficult to analyze and emulate a character, or find more ways to develop them (Sora or Keiichi :x SORRY MEGAN), things don't work out.

roleplay, quiz

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