Jun 21, 2009 13:41
I'm feeling.... not that happy at the moment...
Im kinda disappointed and upset... and worried.
For my eyes.
All problems started with my lenses... *sigh*
After waiting for one and the half month, after using the recommended eye drop solution which is said to cure alot of people's problems for a month, I went for another eyes check-up just now... yet, the result still wasnt good.
It improved yes... but the problem is still there.
The problem isnt that big already but... i hate the fact that the problem isnt totally solved!
The person suggested that I can change to wearing daily lenses but... know what? I already got a year's supply for monthly disposable lenses! Argh! And I couldnt change it now... so.....
So last alternative for me... I shall go and see a specialist soon.
If I want the problem to be solved once and for all. That is what the person told me... hopefully its really once and for all...
Tell me, how will I feel any better?
my health,
my ranting