From now on this will be about translation of random stuff that I saw, maybe related to the boys aka KAT-TUN
I do aware of the recent news of KAT-TUN but that is not going to stop me from doing some translation related to them, so if you don't like it, you are more than welcome to leave and walk away, I'm not holding you back.
As you all should be aware that my LJ is not accepting Annymous commetors or commeters - so you better log in to comment! LOL
Negative thoughts = NOT welcome!
because why do you botehr to come here if you want to bash me LOL I don't have time for that so have fun bashing someone else
A little about me you should know:
Nick: Midori-chan
Major: Languages
Experience in Japanese: 2 years schooling [meaning i have NEVER actually meet and associate with a Japanese person FROM Japan! keep that in mind please]
Experience in other languages: Vietnamese - my whole life =.= I can translate something from Vietnamese to English and back, and maybe Japanese to Vietnamese as well, but keep in mind that I've been in the states for over 8 years and my Vietnamese can be said: suck? LOL yes!
Currently learning: Italian! Because I'm weird as that, so don't question me when i suddenly throw in random Italian; I use my journal as a way to learn to write in different languages. It's my LJ after all >.<
Hmm...that's all for now, so onto the next move.
This LJ will only be public for translation, and that's about it! Other than that, none! LOL i have no private stuff either, it's being kept somewhere else~
Alright~ Time for me to move onto my next stuff, need to find something to translate yes! XD
Gặp lại sau nhé~ *CHU*
See ya~
Credit: [I forgot, remind me please if it's yours]
Again credit?