Title: Once upon a time
Pairing(s): Akame
Genre(s): Romance, AU, Angst, Tragedy
Disclaimer: No, as much as I'd absolutely love to, I don't own any of the characters exept the OCs (if any). It's tragic, I know...But the story is mine! ^^
Warning(s):Well, character death, obviously, but nothing else, I think...
Summary: Kame is a servant to Jin, who is a prince. Feelings get involved, and then the bomb drops...
Author's note: My first ever post/ fic. Hope you enjoy it. Of course, first I have to be able to post properly. All I can say is that Livejournal makes posting very complicated...
Author's note 2: The red italics are song lyrics in romaji, and the blue italics are the translation.
Over here \(^o^)/