You know, when November 2008 came and went, I really thought things were going to get better politically. We'd get back on track and make progress, and actually work on dealing with the huge looming problems that have developed over the past 30 years. And the Obama administration is doing their best. They're not perfect, and I don't always agree with what they do, but they're a net positive influence on our political situation, I think.
Unfortunately, they're nowhere near enough. The neoconservative propaganda machine has ramped things up an order of magnitude, and the neocons and corrupt Democrats in congress are doing everything they can to stymie the kind of progressive work we need so desperately.
Worst of all, however... there's a growing conservative backlash due to the propaganda and seeming ineffectualness of the Obama administration, and
shit like this is becoming increasingly more common. It feels like USA is hellbent on destroying itself from the inside out, and I just don't know what I or anyone else can do about it.
This shit is beyond views and opinions. No good can come from flagrantly politicizing education. It's patently obvious that we are using up resources far more quickly than they can be replenished. We've ruined our economy by outsourcing production, and if we don't try to become producers again soon it'll be too late when we finally do.
But that's the way our society works. Don't fix it when it's wearing down and repairs would be feasible and result in a much greater lifespan, wait until it breaks, then hastily glue it back together and hope for the best.
As fucked up as the Chinese are with their censorship and human rights violations, at least they have a nearly unique capacity in humans to think ahead beyond their next paycheck. They're doing everything they can to survive and prosper in the future, while we're so fucking busy trying to make a handful of people gratuitously wealthy now that we just don't seem to see how badly we're screwing our future selves and offspring.
We need well-educated, rational, forward-thinking people to survive, not a bunch of self-absorbed fools who want to go back to a "better" time that only exists in their imagination.