Feb 03, 2012 00:12
I haven't really shared much about my ambitions to participate in the JET Programme online, but my twin sister and I did apply for the 2012-2013 program. Today, the interview list was posted on the site. I got an interview!! I'm just so overwhelmed and excited!
But my sister didn't, and it's so hard to feel happy when she's so devastated. I'm shaking from bottling up all of this anxiety and exuberance. I don't know why her application was rejected, even though our work history, GPA, and credentials are quite similar (in fact, her GPA is .2 higher than mine). Maybe it's because I've taken one more semester of Japanese language than she has? Or that I was an algebra tutor for a semester? Or something in our essays?
Either way, I need to focus on preparing for that interview. I'll be going to DC from the 8th to the 12th, so I'm really hoping that my interview doesn't take place during that period. It's an SGA funded trip, and it'll be really challenging to cancel my tickets through ASF. As much as I want to go on this trip, this opportunity is more important to me. I just hope that they inform us of the interview time and place before the 8th, or else I'll be in trouble.