93 day celebration!

Sep 03, 2008 11:56

It's 93 day and 39 day overseas.  To celebrate here is the first of two fics I procrastinated on putting up  haven't had the chance to post up yet.

Title: Watching You
Author: kambeiadaro [beta: ryukin_blue  & ditch_gospel ]
Rating: NC17
Pairing: Goku/Sanzo
Disclaimer: Saiyuki and it's characters are the property of Kazuya Minekura.
Summary: A tough day for Sanzo culminates in putting on a seductive show for Goku.
Written ffor eyesofshinigami 's birthday.

The amber sky mirrored the town below with bursts of light and boisterous sounds of celebration. Merchants and vendors lined the streets with people weaving through. Shuiguo was celebrating the oldest fruit tree planted in town; everyone from the youth to the elderly came out to celebrate. There was plenty to see and do, from drinking games to puppetry, catching up with old friends, music and romance.

Sanzo was sure even the gods have heard of it in passing. The ikkou was resting in town after a hectic few days of being lost. All thanks to that map Hakkai said was up-to-date. After that, Sanzo had the insane idea that they “needed to unwind.” He rebelled against himself and what he normally would have done.

He wanted to lose the others in the crowd and have some time to himself. I never meant it literally... The monk was sick of looking for them. It felt as though everything was spinning, giving Sanzo a migraine.

Sensing that monkey in his vicinity, he pushed through the current created by the crowd. Just as he cleared them, Sanzo spotted Goku. That poor shivering, lonesome monkey.


Keeping his eye on Goku, he watched as the monkey danced around Gojyo and a small crowd of young women. All pretty... just your type. Hakkai was also with them; flirting and showing off his cooking skills with a young vendor. Jeep was being cooed to, by the younger women and children. It didn't look like Goku would be starving any time soon either. Everyone was fine and dandy, having fun without him.

“I could just shoot you all dead.” he whispered to himself.

Hypocrite... After all he says I mean to him, he sure doesn't look worried. I bet I'm the last thing on his mind right now. Goku always enjoyed watching people, but now, Sanzo found the young man had gotten better at interacting with others.

Offered a seat by a vendor, the monk made his way over, trying to avoid being crashed into repeatedly by the party goers. He took the seat; it was a perfect way to keep tabs on the others. Recently it was getting apparent that Goku would just end up being annoyed with him. Maybe we've been together too much. About the only thing that didn't change was Sanzo giving in to Goku's every whim.

“Here you go.” The vendor handed Sanzo a freshly made fruit drink. “On the house.”


Sanzo looked to the others. Goku was grabbed up for a dance as Gojyo pushed him forward. Sure, dance away, not like I could be dead. As he drank, Sanzo couldn't help but reflect more on Goku. There was a time that Goku would look to no one but Sanzo for anything. Now that he became adjusted to the world, Goku was starting to branch out and become like any other young adult. Isn't this what I wanted?

Sanzo didn't want to admit he liked it when Goku came to him afraid of the world at large. Yet, he wanted nothing more for Goku than for him to be able to be a part of those people he watched. Was I really his savior? Waiters are just as much his savior as I was. It was hard for Sanzo to find much of a difference from how Goku looked at him and how the monkey looked at those who brought him food.

“Heh,” Sanzo snickered as he finished his juice. “That was good.”

“Here, have another!” smiled the vendor.

Looking back at his companions, Sanzo saw Goku weasel his way into getting some food from a vendor. He didn't bother paying too much attention to Hakkai or Gojyo.

“Didn't even put up a fight.” Sanzo shook his head.

Who was he to judge. He didn't either. He liked to call it Goku's power of annoyance but it was more than that. Giving Goku what he wanted meant he could hear those words of praise. What have I become? It wasn't genuine. Sanzo never had control of Goku. Goku was just passive-aggressive enough to let him believe he was in charge.

Sanzo heard the girls laugh at some of Goku's antics. He recognized it. The dork was trying to reenact a comedic scene from some foreign sitcom they saw at an inn. The look of a predator reeling in his prey. Sanzo had been on the receiving end plenty of times; he wasn't proud of himself for laughing and giving in - just thankful Jeep couldn't convey what happened to the other two.

Here it comes. Goku reached maximum comedic effect, making a fool of himself. They were so charmed by the physical comedy, they clapped hands and fed him some more. Even Gojyo and Hakkai couldn't help but laugh. Sanzo frowned deeply.

“What's a matter, no good?”


“Well, put down that crap.” a drunken man slapped Sanzo's drink to the floor. “I can get you a waaay gooder drink.”

“You go do that.”

The man continued talking but Sanzo was too distracted by Gojyo whispering to Goku. What was he up to? It was pretty clear by their body language that the red-head suggested Goku hook up with one of the girls. He kept pointing in his usual “come hither” manner.


Sanzo wasn't interested in seeing more. As he got up abruptly the drunken man managed to bump into him and another man, sending their food onto Sanzo's robe.

“See wha you d-did!” the drunken man slurred.

“I'm really sorry!” the other man said, disappearing into the crowd before Sanzo could retaliate.

The blond turned red from anger. He fought the urge to take out his gun and shoot the man. But he didn't. If he caused a scene the others would notice him and come to the aid of the man he wanted to rip apart. He didn't need the others to restrain him to have self control.

“Let me help ya.” the drunken man groped the fuming Sanzo.

Just as fast Sanzo whipped out his pistol, a few people took notice and gasped. Sanzo breathed deeply and put away his pistol. He could handle this calmly. The drunk man attempted to touch Sanzo once more but Sanzo groped him first - hard.

“No.” Sanzo stated, matter of factly.

Sanzo let go after the man started slipping to the ground in pain. Hearing another bout of laughter, off in the distance, Sanzo was clearly able to distinguish Goku's voice. The urge to go over there and throw a boiling pot over Goku's head was strong.


Having been fed up, Sanzo returned to the inn. He could still hear the festivities muffled by the walls of his unlit room. The blond was glad he managed to get a single. Goku and the others may have been sharing a room, he wasn't sure. Nor did he care.

Sanzo stripped his clothing off, not even bothering to see where he threw his sutra. When did Goku do this to me? I'm such a brat. Did he really think Goku was all his? At some point Sanzo must have thought he could be to Goku what Koumyou was to him. It had to boil down to that. No, Goku's different.

His “back off” aura never worked. Goku getting what he wanted was proof enough of this. Sanzo didn't want to admit he lived for Goku. Everything I do is for myself. It was only natural for people to think of themselves. They were greedy that way. But then Goku popped into his life. The more he pushed the monkey brained kid away, the more Goku burrowed into him.

Sanzo sighed as he let the warm water of the shower massage his aching shoulders. He is self centered. So cute and needy... The blond tried to stop thinking. He watched the water hit against his skin, trickle down, and disappear down the drain. That's how I should be. If he was like the water, then he would never have Goku or anyone else stuck on his mind. Sanzo would be able to take things as they were and move on. It's how he projected himself, how he hoped to be.

The last time he was anywhere near this distressed was towards the beginning of their westward journey. Goku told him Sanzo was the one who called the brunet a stupid monkey and smacked him around. Was that truly all he was, all Goku thought of him? Would he have said that if the others weren't there?

What is Goku, to me, then?


“I'm bound by that voice.” whispered Sanzo. Wait, when can I hear him like that?

Goku was in the room. Why did I forget to lock it?


Sanzo hoped the monkey was leaving but heard the distinct sound of the door being locked.

“Time for your private show.” Sanzo whispered, closing his eyes.

Sanzo had been aware of Goku's voyeuristic tendencies for a long time. He also knew Goku was aware of this. If they didn't fuck each other on a whim, it was always Sanzo who systematically went to Goku. Sanzo knew the brunet wanted it just as badly; Goku just wasn't used to taking the initiative.

That monkey seemed more content to watch. That way, the brunet remained unattached. Master would be proud of that. Sanzo shook his head, hoping to erase any thoughts of his master being a sexual being.

All he could do now was touch himself and be Sanzo.


With his eyes closed, Sanzo groaned as he let the water flow over him. Bending forward slightly, Sanzo adjusted the warmth of the water. Then the blond began to slowly turn around in the jet of the water, letting Goku get a better view of his growing erection. Thanks to Goku, Sanzo believed he was becoming an exhibitionist.

Sanzo rested his back to the wall. He pretended not to notice Goku and placed some body wash from the rack onto his hands. He rubbed his hands together and lathered up his chest, taking care to tease at his nipples and inhaling sharply while doing so.

The blond let one hand slowly follow the contours of his thin torso down to his hips. His free hand was left to tease at his nipple. Sanzo arched slightly as he moaned. He let the palm of his hand slide down his length leaving his cock twitching and ignored. The blond held on firmly to his balls as he grabbed and kneaded them.

“Aa, mmn.” Sanzo bit his lower lip.


He almost opened his eyes, hearing Goku's approval. No doubt, that little imp was already touching his own dick, but Sanzo didn't want to be tempted to break routine and jump his monkey, fucking Goku senseless.

Sanzo used more body wash to coat his cock. His head whipped from side to side as he jacked off. His free hand continued to roam his chest, hips and thighs, while the other attempted to alleviate the ache.

His voice bounced off the tiles jagged, hoarse, and needy. Sanzo wanted Goku to be the one touching and grabbing at him. What he was doing now was planned and rehearsed. Sanzo could vary it up from time to time, but that bastard watching him liked repeats. Bullshit.

The blond wished Goku would stop him and just take over. Why couldn't he do it? Goku wasn't too much of the shy type. “Do you like it? Am I hurting you?” Sanzo opened his eyes, remembering what the brunet tended to ask during their more passionate love making.

“Fuck you.” mouthed Sanzo.

Was that it? He wants to be praised like some kind of idol. Goku tended to let that strong ego manifest many times before. All he needs is a little encouragement.

Sanzo looked at Goku this time. Goku reacted as if he were caught masturbating. Sorry, we're mixing it up tonight. The blond spit onto his fingers and gathered some lather as he moved his hand behind him.

He made no attempt to muffle his gruff moan as he slid two fingers inside himself. Goku looked amazed at the sight before him. Sanzo exaggerated his moans as he arched into his fingers and rolled his head.

“Un, ugn.” he saw Goku grab onto the sheets.

Goku practically bit into his hand to stifle his cries as he pumped. He's starting to sound like a horny little monkey. The brunet was gathering the momentum to finally make a move. With that sort of drive, it would feel great to ride him. Sanzo smiled as he saw Goku's legs shift.

“Mmmnnn.” Sanzo licked his lips as he stared back.

Sanzo turned his attention to the body wash. Goku had bought it for him. There was no need to disclose why he did. It was a prop - the bottle was rather obscenely shaped. Sanzo took a good length of the bottle in his mouth and wished he made sure there was no soap on it first. Not deterred, he moaned as he moved it in and out of his mouth while moaning and using his other hand to pump at his cock.

Sanzo could make out Goku's half lidded eyes, stroking himself with more vigor. Don't you want to stop this and take me yourself? Sanzo gave one more groan as he took the bottle out of his mouth. The blond let the tip of the bottle move across his body as he would want Goku's dick to have trailed.

The unconventional monk gave in to a moan at the thought of Goku's cock on his body and gave his cock a firm pumping. Sanzo's bed jerked up and down with the force of Goku masturbating. You stupid monkey, don't cum as I fuck myself with this thing, again!!

“Huhmmn, saauuh.”

Goku's knuckles must have been white from they way it clutched onto his length. He could easily have teared into Sanzo with that immense force. It was almost frightening for Sanzo to think of. Sanzo couldn't even think of words to a mantra that would help him if he were fucked with that much power. Maybe Goku was afraid of hurting Sanzo.

“I'm not that weak.”

Sanzo moaned, whipping his head back as he was about to insert the bottle into his hole. Before he could realize it the bottle was knocked out of his hand. It was as if a strong wind blew through and sent him crashing.

“Ugf.” Sanzo bounced on the bed.

Goku stepped back to remove his clothing. The young man shone with the back light from the bathroom and the ambiance from the room highlighting his muscles. His chest heaved as he breathed and grunted incoherently. My beautiful monkey king. He wanted to feel those muscles under his palm and lick at their contours.

Goku used the bed sheet to wipe soap residue from Sanzo. The blond didn't have much time to think as Goku's mouth enveloped his throbbing cock. The brunet moaned as he moved Sanzo in and out of his mouth. Sanzo cried out loud as he arched, finally getting a sample of what he yearned for.

He stopped to lick at the head and savor the blond’s taste of precum before taking Sanzo's hands into his. He guided the slender fingers over the crevices of his powerful and sweaty chest. Sanzo propped himself up to nibble at Goku's taut skin. Must feel like nothing to that thick skin. Goku ran his fingers through Sanzo's hair and lowered his head to plant kisses.

“Can I fuck you?”

“Why are you asking?”

“Because I-” Goku heaved.

“Fuck me, damn it!”

Sanzo was ecstatic to have Goku want to take control. He took the two of them down and held on to Goku's arms as the brunet's breath emerged erratically. He was so anxious it took him a while to position himself correctly.


Goku jumped, startled at Sanzo's cry. The blond bit his lip and thrust himself onto Goku the rest of the way.

“Mmmn... Ssaanzo.”

“Huuh, yeess.”

Goku took a steady rhythm as he drove in and out of Sanzo. Both let their hands grab at any part of the other they could. Their tongues met and teased at each other. Sanzo held on to nibble at Goku's lip as the younger man orgasmed inside him.

“Auuuhaaa, Saaanzoh!”

The brunet proceeded to move in and out of Sanzo, regaining his pace as he recovered. Sanzo was close to his own orgasm as Goku held his leg up. With his other hand free, Goku pumped both Sanzo's ass and dick.

Sanzo grabbed at anything he could as he spilled his cum onto his stomach. Goku used that free hand to taste Sanzo's fluids.

“Mmm, Sanzo-” he breathed. “S-sanzo's are tasty.”

Purple eyes smiled back as he clenched his sphincter around Goku's length. Goku cried out, rolling his eyes back and sped up his rhythm. It wasn't long before he spilled his own seed again. He pulled out of Sanzo, and let the remainder of his cum fall onto the blond's own cum.

Goku let go of Sanzo and used the bed sheet to clean himself off. Sanzo breathed heavily as Goku tasted some of their mixed cum as well before helping clean off Sanzo. The blond took the sheet from him and tossed it aside.

Laying on his back, Sanzo could hear his pulse at his ears. They were breathing heavily.



“I... luh-,” Goku turned to plant kisses on Sanzo's jaw. “I missed you.”

Sanzo smiled and ruffled at Goku's hair. It wasn't long before he heard Goku asleep on his chest.

“You better not snore.”

goku, 93, sanzo, bday fic, saiyuki

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