fic: Intent, G, Goku ------ HAPPY BIRTHDAY GOKU! <3

Apr 05, 2008 12:42

Title: Intent
kambeiadaro [beta:
Pairing: Goku, Sanzo
Rating: G
Summary: Goku takes some time to think about his actions.

The summer breeze blew while the residents of the Western village bustled around. The main street in the eastern district was especially busy as everything from the mundane to the fundamental was being shopped for.

Goku's enthusiasm at seeing so much life managed to do nothing but irritate the blond monk. Sanzo had been dragged, like a rag doll, as Goku stopped by merchants to “Oo and ahh” at the simplest thing. The most current stop took them to a merchant selling items he hand crafted from brown jade.

As Goku's attention brought him inside the store, Sanzo continued to look at the skill represented in the small sculptures of various landscapes, bridges, animals, Buddhas, and flowers. Making sure Goku was still distracted, Sanzo pointed at a statuette.

“Give me this one.” Sanzo pointed to jade stone depicting monkeys at play.

The merchant bowed and wrapped up the item for Sanzo. The blond looked around the store once more. All of the items looked as if they could be showcased in a gallery.

“Thanks.” Sanzo headed out of the shop without looking back. “Let's go, monkey.”

“Whu? Really!?”

“If we stop for hours on just one thing...!” Sanzo threatened.

“Okay, okay. No need to get pissy.” Goku stepped out of the shop in front of Sanzo. “I'm moving, see.”

Sanzo sighed making his way in the crowd. He tried to avoid as much contact with others as he could while golden eyes darted in every direction taking in life.

“Why does he always act like it's the first time?” mumbled Sanzo. Oh no, he's sniffing out more food.

Goku sped up and waved Sanzo over to a stand with snacks.

“Look Sanzo, over here!”

“You can only have one.” Sanzo crossed his arms.

“Only one!?! I'm starving!!”

“I'm leaving.” Sanzo started for the crowd.

“But, Sanzo!” Goku tried his most pitiable face.


“Fine.” Goku scrunched up his face. He spent a few seconds too long trying to decide. It's all so yummy lookin'.

The blond noticed people were starting to look. Some stopped to bow at the priest. Sanzo sighed and looked back to Goku.

“We already lost Gojyo and Hakkai, I don't-”

Goku was already picking and eating food from the stand. The woman behind the counter even handed the brunette more things to try. Sanzo felt his anger rise in a wave and took out his fan.

“Monkey, I said one!”

“Ah, Sanzo you made me drop it!”

“Don't worry, I have more.” smiled the woman.

“No.” Sanzo slammed some coins on the counter. “Now let's go!”

Sanzo walked off in a huff.

“For you and the monk.” The woman smiled and handed Goku two treats.

“I can't pay.”

“For being so handsome - both of you.”

“Thanks!” Goku took the treats from her hand; two bananas on a stick, dipped in chocolate with sprinkles and other candies.

Goku sprinted to catch up with Sanzo.

“Here,” he handed a banana to the monk. “She said we were cute.”

“Fantastic.” Sanzo said dryly.

Sanzo sighed but took the treat, he was glad for something to tranquil his sweet tooth. There were some stands with confections that made even his mouth water. They caught Goku's attention too, but he denied both of them in fear of Goku spending more than he had.

Over the crowd Sanzo heard Goku slobbering over his banana. Monkey like banana. Sanzo smirked to himself until he saw how Goku was eating it. Chocolate was all over his mouth and that moron, rather obscenely, took the phallic fruit in and out of his mouth licking, savoring and almost moaning. Like when he's...

Sanzo tensed and looked around. For the main part, people were concerned about themselves. Though they did get some stares. “ they're sucking dick.” Sanzo heard two passersby laugh.

“Why?” mumbled Sanzo as he rubbed his temple. He paused to throw his banana in the nearest trash bin.

“Hey!” Goku looked rather annoyed. “I coulda had that!”



“Do I really need to say it?” Sanzo pointed at the banana in Goku's hand. “That.”

“You lost me, Sanzo.” Goku blinked.

“Stop sucking it like that!”

“But I have to suck on it. The chocolate's stuck on so hard!” Goku said a little too loudly.

Sanzo blushed as the comment caught the attention of teenagers who began to laugh.

“Suck dick!” called out one.

It took that for Goku to realize what Sanzo meant. Goku bowed his head and felt his face grow warm. The brunette chucked his banana in the trash with Sanzo's.

“Why chocolate covered bananas?”

“That's what I would like to know.”

Without warning, Goku zoomed past Sanzo into the crowd. Oh if he really did disappear. Sanzo didn't mean it. He enjoyed the company of Goku more than he let on. But some things are to be enjoyed in moderation. Sanzo sighed trying to figure out where the shorter male went off to.

“Hey, Sanzo!”

“That wasn't hard.”

Jumping up and down from the crowd, Goku continued to call the blond's name. Thanks to this, many people stopped to look as Sanzo made his way to the teen. Among the crowd were those who murmured amongst themselves over a “Sanzo Priest”.

“Over here, Sanzo!” jumped Goku.

“I heard you the first time!” Sanzo felt the vein at his temple start to throb.

Fan in hand, Sanzo promptly made his way to the youth and smacked him over the head repeatedly.





“a scene,”


“where ever we go!!”

“Ow, ow, ow!!” Goku rubbed at his head. “Damn it, you're the one always makin' a scene with your yellin' an' violence, you messed up droop!”

The people in the crowd paused to listen in to the commotion. Many whispers flew around over the actions of the blond monk and his disciple. Some sided with Goku, wondering who could put up with such a man. Others with Sanzo over the “audacity” of his pupil. Ha, pupil.

Overall, there was a mixed reaction of feelings from the crowd, anywhere from questioning their relationship to Sanzo's gender. What particularly got the crowd going was the immaturity Goku displayed.

“Like a mother and her misbehaved child.” they were laughing.

“Silence!!” Sanzo yelled at the populous and gave one final thwack of his fan to Goku. “We are leaving. Now.”

“I don't wanna.”

Sanzo paused. That vein pulsing threatened to burst. He doesn't “wanna”.

“Move your ass, now.”

“I'm not done looking around!”

“We're supposed to be finding the others, not useless junk and food!!”

“I bet they're having fun an' besides, Gojyo and Hakkai aren't babies-”

“Listen to your mama, kid.” shouted one man in the crowd. It sent many on lookers laughing again.

“I've had enough.” Sanzo whispered to himself.

The golden-eyed teenager watched the monk walk away and disappear into the crowd. He was about to follow when he heard some of the comments from the crowd.

“Aw, baby's gonna get a spanking.”

“What a rude child.”

“... children these days!”

“It's puberty ... he can't be more than 12.”

“How embarrassing ... the monk ... put up with that kid?”

“... not fit to breath the same air as the monk....”

He felt his face grow red. I'm 19! Goku wanted to run to Sanzo. But he couldn't, not after he heard all that.

Goku dashed out of the crowd into the side streets away from Sanzo.


Is Sanzo really embarrassed to have me around? Goku's thoughts had turned as dark as the alleys and scaffolding he traversed. Maybe he shouldn't have saved me. I deserve to be locked up. I'm so selfish and bad, I can't remember why I even got locked up for.

Goku randomly made his way through the neighborhood picking streets and alleys that normally wouldn't be walked through. Many people had sour expressions on their faces. It saddened Goku to see them this way. When they normally came to these towns and villages Goku never bothered to think of the more down trodden.

They were as caged in as Goku used to be. Guess you don't need to have a physical cage. It was easy to say he was free just because Sanzo was there. The blond left him as full as any satisfying meal. But many times those thoughts that occupied his mind for centuries brought themselves to the surface. When that type of thinking hit him, Goku liked to indulge himself with food.

Losing himself in the aromas of cuisine was not something he could do now, as much as his stomach learned to beg for it. By evening, the nose skilled in smelling the most minute of fragrances found its way to a jiaozi restaurant. Goku's mouth watered as the scents wafted his nose in waves.

The brunette focused his eyes away from those enjoying their meals inside to his reflection on the glass. “You're such a greedy monkey!” “ ... stop stuffing your mouth! Don't touch that!” “Please share...” Goku could remember nearly every instance Sanzo and his friends tried to quelch him.

“I'm just a stupid child.” he mumbled to himself. All I can do is marvel at one shiny thing to another inhaling everything like a black hole - food, scenery, life... even Sanzo.

Goku moved into the alley way of the restaurant and sat by rubble and broken things. Out with the garbage.

Golden eyes watched as a figure grew near. “Meow.” The light was dim in the evening but he was sure it was an orange cat with a few spots. The cat meowed some more as it jumped onto his lap. The feline purred and licked at Goku's face.

“Cute kitty!”

The purring and licking continued as Goku petted the feline. Then it hit him. I have chocolate on my face.

“You're not happy to see me!” You're just satisfying your sweet tooth. “Get off, you stupid cat!” Goku screamed as the cat bit his finger while he swatted the animal away. On the pavement, the cat bore its fangs and let its hair stand on end while hissing. Goku retaliated by moving his face lower towards the cat. He bore his own sharp canines and hissed back. The cat cowered and scurried off.

“Stupid shit.” Goku smacked his head onto the wall behind him. What was the difference with what the feline did to him and what he did to Sanzo? Sanzo's got every right to be mad.

Goku could smell many things in the air. Food fresh and rotten, vomit, shit, blood, urine, sex, and perfume. They all mixed into the humid air. Sensing all the energy and life normally excited him. Out there people are having fun, a bad day, enjoying life, experiencing new and old stuff.

He was aware of it all but what he felt was the most difficult to put into words. Goku could fall asleep lulled by the waves of crackling energy produced by the people both human and youkai, insect and trees. Since Sanzo brought him back to society he had truly been full. And I took it all as a right, not a privilege.

“I'm a glutton.”


The short brunette awoke startled. He was being violently shaken. Goku leapt up, rather weaker than expected, and took the defense. As his vision adjusted Goku relaxed. It's Sanzo!

“... really takes the patience of a saint to wake you up.”

“Sanzo!” he chided himself and looked down.

“I'm sorry Sanzo. I'm gonna be 20 soon, I should know better. I-”

Goku received a thwack to the head from Sanzo. For a few seconds the young adult looked down. Sanzo doesn't like that. He raised his golden-eyes to meet Sanzo's purple ones.

The blond noted the dark look in his eyes in the light of dawn breaking.

“I shouldn't be some dumb fuck waste of air. An'-”

“If you were some waste of air, nature would have rid itself of you like a splinter long ago.”

The blond monk lit a cigarette. “By this point in life, you should have a feel for who you are.” He turned to blow smoke at the brunette's face. “Did you get lost in the fog?”

“I am who I have always been... a horrible monster.”

Sanzo hit Goku once more with the fan. Maybe that will knock the sense back into him. “What happened to that sunny disposition of yours?”

“What sunny dispo-”

“You're too old for me to tell you something cheesy.” said Sanzo as he tried to wipe at the chocolate still on the brunette's face.

“You're right.” Goku smiled.

The blond propped himself off his haunches from Goku's shoulders. Sanzo puffed some smoke from his cigarette.

“I'm hungry, Sanzo.”

“Tch. So am I.” The blond took a meat bun out of his robe and bit into it. “Mmm.”

The brunette shot up and bit into the other end taking the meat bun out of the monk's hand. Sanzo heard the monkey's stomach growl.

“Let's go.” said Sanzo as he tossed him another meat bun.

goku, fanfic, sanzo, bday fic, saiyuki

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