A Supplement [Goku/Sanzo; G & worksafe]

Jan 28, 2008 01:02

Hey guys.  I'm back logged on everything.  I'll try to respond to everyone as soon as I can.  For now, I need to post this fic for 30_kisses.  Almost missed the deadline thanks to being sick. >.<  This little fic was inspired by me being sick.  Wanted to make Sanzo sick but decided I didn't want to make him suffer...so he broke his wrist.  XD lol

And... HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAONE!! [HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY to Hazel & Kougaiji]

Title: A Supplement
Author:  kambeiadaro  [beta:  ditch_gospel]
Pairing: 93
Rating: G, work safe
Disclaimer: Saiyuki and characters are property of Kazuya Minekura.
Summary: Goku's worried for Sanzo's health after a fall leaves Sanzo wounded.

Just a few days ago, Sanzo and Goku were chasing down their villain of the week. He was a middle-aged man with an athletic build and very fast. They were able to keep up with him thanks to Goku's nose. That guy reeked of feces, thanks to the fight earlier with Goku at the horse stables. The young brunette was not happy to go after that source, but he was glad to after how the thief made fun of him being Sanzo's bodyguard.

Goku hadn't been too mindful of Sanzo trying to keep up behind him either. The blond was going at top speed but was still lagging far behind Goku and the temple bandit. The youth hadn't even noticed Sanzo trip the rest of the way down the stairs of the bridge until Sanzo's bullet finally brought the man down. He turned around to congratulate Sanzo, but was greeted with the image of Sanzo not maintaining his balance and falling hard on his side with a groan.

Back at Keiun Temple, it was confirmed that Sanzo broke his wrist and sprained his ankle, among his lesser bumps and bruises. The monk was very cranky and upset about the pain as he vented out on most anyone unlucky enough to have gone near him. Goku was the only one who dared to. I failed to protect him.

“Go get me some smokes and booze.” Sanzo threw money for Goku to catch.

“Yes, Sanzo.”

Sanzo blinked and grabbed at Goku's arm. “It's just a wrist and an ankle. I'm not dead.” Sanzo handed Goku some extra money. “Go buy something for yourself.”

“Thanks!” Goku tried to smile.

Goku knew just where to get what Sanzo wanted at a local market on a side street. He held several packs of Marlboro and a pack of Kirin Beer in a shopping basket as he stalked the small aisles for yummy looking snacks.

“They're all so tasty looking!” he whispered to himself.

There was a lot to choose from, ranging from small cakes to junk food to locally prepared snacks. As Goku slowly walked, picking some items, a label with “bone” caught his eye. He immediately thought of Sanzo's broken wrist.

What's this? Goku picked up the bottle and tried to read. Wada Calcium CD3. 'Wada', wha??

From what he was able to understand, the tablets were vitamins meant for people in various states of their lives such as those in their “growing years”. The product claimed to help promote and improve bone development.

Sanzo's 19, so that's good. “And it'll help 'im heal faster!”

Goku picked up the bottle and noticed it was pricier than he expected. He would have to either forget it or put down some of his snacks.

After contemplating his choices, Goku chose to put down most of his snacks and get Sanzo the vitamins. He only had enough left over for a small packet of sticky rice. Now on his way back to the temple, Goku was wondering how he would even get Sanzo to take the vitamin tablets. The hot-headed monk would not like to be told he was feeble enough to need to take supplements.

But, then you wouldn't need ta if ya even ate right. Goku sighed to himself as he walked near the kitchen of Keiun. He emptied the bottle into his pocket and threw away the container. He figured out how he would give Sanzo the tablets.

“It's for your own good, Sanzo.” Goku mumbled as he picked up a utensil and ground two of the tablets into powder.

“Where's Priest Sanzo's lunch?” he called out.

“Right here. I'm almost done with High Priest Sanzo's lunch.”

Goku walked over to a young chef. “Soup! That's great.” he heard his stomach rumble as he spoke. “Ya got my lunch too, right?”

“Of course.” The man smiled broadly at Goku.

“Sanzo? Sanzo, you awake?” Goku peeked his head into Sanzo's study. The injured blond was asleep on the window seat.

Sanzo awoke in Goku's arms; he wasn't quite sure what was going on. “Mm?” he yawned as Goku placed him by a table.



He's not gonna eat. Goku was glad he had his meal in the kitchen. He could make sure Sanzo would have his vitamins this way, though he was tempted to take several bites of Sanzo's food. Maybe just a little. He looked at Sanzo who was just about to fall asleep on the table. Later.

Goku scooted his chair closer to Sanzo. He took the spoon and bowl of stew in his hands and prepared to feed Sanzo. Goku paused, thinking about what he did. On his way up, Goku had placed the powder of the vitamins into Sanzo's soup. He mixed it in well, but was worried somehow Sanzo would know it was there.

“Are you-” Sanzo yawned. “eating my food?”

“Ugh, no!” Goku took a sip of the soup. “Just making sure it wasn't too hot.”

“How is it?” Sanzo yawned out lazily.

Goku yawned infectiously. “It's vegetable stew.”

Sanzo groaned.

“But it's good! Really, look, I could eat it all!” Goku took several spoonfuls of the stew. Bleh! At least you can't taste the tablets.

Sanzo waved his hand in front of Goku, attempting to take the bowl from him.

“Don't worry, I'll feed ya! Besides, your wrist.”


Goku managed to get Sanzo to have all his soup and some of his tea. He left the rest, assuring Goku it was okay for him to have it. The golden-eyed boy felt silly feeding his bestest friend in the world and couldn't help but giggle as he fed Sanzo.

The blond kept nodding off and it was up to Goku to think of innovative ways to feed him. It resembled a father trying to feed gruel to his child by making airplane sounds with the spoon and silly faces. He managed to get Sanzo to crack up a few times, not too many death threats - that must have been thanks to the pain killers.

“Hnnnmm.” Sanzo sighed.

“You shouldn't have slept all scrunched up like that!”

“Whatever... keep massaging.”

To say he was worried about massaging Sanzo was to say the least. He was terrified he would end up shattering Sanzo's bones! The doctor recommended that a special balm be massaged into Sanzo's shoulders for the pain, and the cranky monk was not going to allow anyone else to do it. The other monks would be afraid to anyway, but it was fine with Goku. He felt it was his fault for not paying attention to Sanzo.


“I'm sorry!!” The brunette jumped at the sound of pain from Sanzo.

“Huh? Do that again.”

“Eh? Ugh, okay.” Goku repeated the gesture slowly.

“Damn, that's sore.” He heard Sanzo murmur.

Goku continued to knead his shoulders slowly.

“I'm not a porcelain doll. I won't break.”

“Right.” he sighed.

Goku massaged Sanzo's back and shoulders with the balm for a few more minutes. He stopped when he saw Sanzo nod off and bring back his head.

“You're putting me to sleep.” Sanzo's eyes were closed.

Soon after, Sanzo was asleep. Goku brushed some bangs from Sanzo's forehead and kissed it. You were such a good boy with your food today! Being careful not to hurt or wake Sanzo, Goku picked up the monk and carried him off to his bedroom. Goku even took special care to tuck Sanzo into bed. Right away, Sanzo snuggled into his comforter.

“Eee, how cute!!” Squealed Goku.

He knelt down and stroked Sanzo's cheek, and his best friend softly groaned in his sleep. Sooo Cute!! The brunette leaned over to give Sanzo a kiss on the cheek. Now, I need to worry about how to get the stuff in your food next time. As he thought, Goku's stomach rumbled so loud he thought he woke up the slumbering blond.

“Maybe... I should eat first.” Goku stood up and silently closed the door to Sanzo's room. He needed to figure out where to put the vitamins so Sanzo wouldn't find them as well. “Food first.”

Goku headed to the kitchen contently. He was happy he spent his money on Sanzo. It makes me feel all squishy. He paused. Squishy... Just what I'll become if he finds out what I'm doin'!

goku, 93, goku/sanzo, fanfic, sanzo, saiyuki, 30_kisses

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