The Clock Is Running

Jul 14, 2009 06:47

If all goes well this will be my last post from Navy Station Norfolk. As of yesterday, at 1400, I began Terminal Leave. In short that means I'm on my paid vacation following my deployment. I am to report to my NOSC on Friday (not a good day to do it but that's what my orders say) and after that I'm on vacation until August 23. This happen very quickly. The best I can compare it to is the solids lighting off on the Shuttle, idle one minute and going like h3ll the next. Total time to do the paperwork was 5 hours. All that hurry up and wait to do just 5 hours of paper pushing. OK, granted, that was in part due to the fact that after 5 months here I'd done every workshop and PowerPoint that was required at least one time if not more and even given a few of them.

Anyway I'll be heading out of here somewhere mid morning and hopefully be spending the night at my sister's place before driving tomorrow for Rochester (where my NOSC is) so I can be on their doorstep at 0700 Friday morning.

Sadly this vacation will not be true vacation. There are issues that have been waiting far too long that need to be dealt with as far as Dad's health and Mom's ability to care for herself. Also I need to be around for the weekends to do services at the parish. The diocese doesn't seem to understand the need for down time after working for better then a year without breaks. I will be talking to someone about that and something will happen. It just won't happen soon.

I'll update you all as this unfolds but for now I'm just looking forward to pointing my nose north and home.

personal, navy

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