LiveJournal Support Trick or treating

Oct 28, 2005 15:33

If you're not a support vol, ignore this. Kthx.

So. Trick or treats!

Any volunteer needs to do one of the following:
* Give me links to 3 styles requests you have answered that you are proud of. These can be recent or they can be old ones. Just ones you think you answered really well.
* Give me 5 links to stuff you just answered recently (stuff that's green)

Any I2s + Supporthelps has to:
* Write me a basic outline for a s2howto tutorial that *isn't* code based, ie, it's done via the wizard. For example a tutorial on how to add a banner image in a certain style with a promise you'll follow it up in the next few weeks (help will be provided if need be!)

For Support admins:
* Just comment and tell me how your day is.

Yes, I2s+ can do the "any" challenge if they really want... :p

In return I will write a haiku about anything you want! I'll even bust into a two/three verse haiku. For extra special fun-ness, I'll award a real prize for the best tutorial/best answers/current answers (a coupon of some kind!)

All comments are screened until after Halloween :)
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