Kama's goin' underground.

May 19, 2016 22:56

Hi. This is the Kamara messaging service. Kama's currently being an unsociable git. Leave a message after the beep.

Leave a comment and she'll get back to you as soon as she can.

Layout by thefulcrum [ here]
Bunny Moodtheme made by ladytalon ! :)
Doctor Who / Ten Moodtheme made by lambietoes

(I alternate. shh)


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Hi geekular May 19 2002, 17:32:46 UTC
First off,mind if i add ya? second...i would like a layout or even just some layout help for my other lj *pixiestixz* if possible..i am a member of both ljdesigners and layouts and i can basically tell ya exactly what i want,if ya have a email addy then i can just email it to ya but if not i can just comment back telling ya. Any help would be appreciated greatly :]


Re: Hi kamara May 20 2002, 03:20:40 UTC
*Adds back* =D

Total layout/stlye re-vamps by me are on hold at the moment, Ive got college exams to deal with first o_o; I can help with some coding n stuff, but nothin big, sowwy ;_;.
In two weeks I'll have all the time in the world tho (if ya can wait that long).


Re: Hi kamara May 20 2002, 08:53:09 UTC
Actually, if you're still interested I'll gladly help you with your style re-vamp and stuff =D

after just being labelled "unfriendly" and "least helpful" I feel like I owe it.

So If you're still interested. Jus gimme a comment back =D!

And I'll add ya the moment you add me, mwuaha =D!
Email me at kamara@livejournal.com for style specific. Mkay? ^_^

Have a groovy day =D


Re: Hi deusfx May 20 2002, 13:30:12 UTC
i'll add you ;)


Re: Hi kamara May 20 2002, 13:33:36 UTC
Okay o_O;

*adds back when you do* lol


Re: Hi deusfx May 20 2002, 13:36:23 UTC


Re: Hi kamara May 20 2002, 13:37:54 UTC
Who are you btw? o__o; lol, and how you find me? o_o; lol - im nosey ^___^ =D


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