(no subject)

Oct 29, 2007 10:19

I can't feel my face but it is done. I look like a chipmunk.

I am bothered by a couple things though. I paid (or that is my insurance company paid) for nitrous but I did not receive any. They put the nose mask on but I have had nitrous many times over the years and not a whiff came though the mask and they did not do any of the ritual that usually accompanies it. Also, although the doctor confirmed that I was having three teeth out before the surgery I only remember two and the receipt only lists two.

If I have to go through this again I am going to be pissed.

I almost passed out in the beginning from breath-holding, which was kind of embarrassing. I am pretty sure that has never happened to me before. I was OK though after taking many deep breaths and focusing entirely on breathing. Maybe having my mouth propped open confused my brain :-).

I had a lot of trouble achieving a state of self-hypnosis, which I am usually able to slip right into. This is the first time I tried listening to mp3s at the same time though so that was probably a Bad Idea. As luck would have it out of ~700 songs my randomized media player selected Dean's June 1st 2003 speech to the California Teacher's Association, followed by Woody Guthrie singing "Lolly Lolly" and then as luck would have it another Dean speech. Shortly after it started she finished yanking teeth and I pulled the ear buds out. I should have chosen a soundtrack instead of setting the randomizer.

But it is done. And that is the important thing.

1:15pm- Everything feels pretty normal now. Some discomfort, but at least it is not numb anymore. If I stand up for very long I feel slightly dizzy, but nothing serious. Unless something changes I am going to skip the heavy drugs and just stick with ibuprofen. Taking that first dose was tricky because I couldn't tell if I had swallowed each pill. I could feel my uvula but nothing else, weird :-}.

I have yet to eat, so I am about to walk to the Co-op for some macaroni and cheese and maybe some soup. I'm on soft foods for the next 5 days :-P.

F checked visually and yes, I am missing three teeth. I guess I lost count. The top two don't bother me at all. And although I was told that the bottom left one was going to swell up terribly, nothing so far. Am I jinxing myself?
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