Been a long time.

Sep 02, 2014 22:48

So every so often I stare at this thing and I think, "Hmm, maybe I should post something." And then I don't, because I can't figure out what I want to say or I'm not in the mood to write or what have you.

Stuff's happened, some good, some bad. Work's been rather awful for the last month, but it's starting to get better. I'm continuing to enjoy FFXIV, although I haven't been playing quite as much in the past few weeks since I've started playing Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies. I really like it; it's very good to see Phoenix back, I genuinely like Apollo, and Athena's a good deal of fun. I'm on the third case right now and it's been super fun. (I also may have gotten a little too excited about the return of a certain prosecutor. What can I say, I've got a thing for blonds. ^_~)

There's more I could write about, but I've never been very good at summary posts and I'm starting to get stupidly tired, so we'll leave it here. At least I'm sort of back.

phoenix wright, ff14, work, catchup

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