Health: Not bad, but could be better.

Oct 21, 2008 13:26

Whenever I have a really bad night's sleep, I tend to be okay immediately afterwards. I'll start getting tired in the evening, but I can generally function just fine. It's the *following* day where I really feel it, no matter how much sleep I might get in the night between.

I had a doctor's appointment early yesterday morning (all went well) which caused me to not sleep terribly well Sunday into Monday for two reasons: nervousness about the appointment and nervousness about having to get up early. I had at least one dream about not being able to get up on time, which is actually pretty standard for days when I have to get up early. This stems from an occasion where I once needed to get up early to do some tests at work. I had a restless night, so when the alarm went off I turned it off... and then immediately fell back to sleep and woke up again at my normal time. I didn't get in trouble at work, luckily, but ever since then my body's response seems to be "Well, you can't oversleep if you don't go to sleep in the first place!"

Anyhow, slept just fine last night but am really tired today. Drank a Cherry Coke Zero with lunch and found it to be pretty good, so either they've reformulated a bit or I just didn't notice the difference. It'd be nice if I could teach myself to drink diet caffeinated sodas. It'd be even nicer if I could teach myself to not drink caffeinated sodas at all, but if I'm going to continue to want them, I should at least be able to drink the low-cal kind.

Need to get back to the healthier eating again. I was doing good in August and early September, but then the wheels fell off and I suspect I've gained back everything I lost and then some. Plus I need to figure out what to do about exercising. It was great when I could take walks after dinner, but now it's dark by then. I've been eating at my desk/in the lab a lot lately in an attempt to conserve sick/vacation time, so I'm not doing my lunchtime walks at work, either. I have an old exercise bike that my parents gave me, but I've never been able to make myself use it on a regular basis.

On the plus side, I have no cavities and my teeth are generally looking good. Also, I realize I am very lucky that when I go to the doctor's and am asked about food or medical allergies, I can say that I have none. I can get a bit sniffly and have a cough during pollen seasons or when exposed to cigarette smoke, but even that's not bad compared to what a lot of people have to deal with.

health, food, my weirdnesses, sleep

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