Summer overview...

May 31, 2007 16:43

Looking over upcoming weekends, June's going to be very busy. On the other hand, so far July is blessedly empty. (There's a concert, but it's on a Monday night.) I wish July 4th weren't a Wednesday, though. Any other day of the week, I'd take the 3rd or 5th off to get an extended weekend. With a Wednesday, I can't do that. (Extending the weekend would involve taking two days off and I'd rather not do that.) August has a friend's wedding and then sandwichcon. I'm sure more stuff will come along. For example, there's Otakon, which I'm still debating. There's nothing at the con I really want to see, and it's easier to meet up with people outside of it.

I think I may need to start keeping a calendar of some sort. It's not so much that I'm bad at keeping track of things as that it'd probably be nice to have some sort of physical reminder.

conventions, sandwich

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