(no subject)

Sep 16, 2008 20:33

My birthday was Sunday, overall had a decent one. I'm usually cursed on my bday- for 10 years in a row, I spent it in the hospital for various things. So, every year I am not sick on my birthday, its a good one.

One of my friends sent me a boat load of roses. He designed their website, so I guess this was some form of compesation. They are so beautiful! The lavendar ones are usually my favorite, but he is right - I fell in love with the deep red ones.


Doing a bunch of random things. Been hitting ZNM pretty hard - spent over 40k zeni so far, and my luck on drops - well, sucks...I have gotten one thing to drop so far, and I was 1/6 on those ;;;;;. But, I can pop Tinnen, and can almost pop Tyger.

LS tried AV with varying results. I'm sure you all saw many many pics, but here are two more:

I have mixed feelings on them nerfing it. Yes, it did, when we won, seem too easy, but it also requires a lot of coordination. We failed twice - first time was just big mistakes. All drks had their weapons out while finish buffing, and AV walked right into a 1/2 prepared ally. Second fight was picture perfect - 17 second victory. I was WHM, and didn't even have to use 2hr - almost though. I spammed curaga 4, and since I knew was huge cast time on it, first one did so little healing. Didn't matter much to me, I knew I was wasting mana.

Second fight, well, we did most of the same thing. With a few exceptions. We pulled a goldfish for the drks to drain 2. Well, it had a ton of tp from hitting the person that CFH it, so did an AOE move that hit the ally and removed 2+ shadows from each of the drks. Combine that with that AOE stun move of AV, and we got it down to about 5% before we all died. Yes, I did use my 2hr on that fight, because it lasted a lot longer. I probably should not have used it, since my party was the only one left in the ally alive. The secondary ally wasn't ready to zerg, so they died too.

Hmm other news, been camping pretty much anything that pops lately. Couple things popped in first windows, and no one was camping, POIDH:

Other random happenings:

Too bad he got nerfed~

Turtle goes missing, then found, then missing, then found again. We are going to make him swallow a lojack.

One down, 4 to go. Weaponskill is very pretty. What damage? No clue really, just liked watching the pretty flower. I have BLM and WHM weapons (COR and SCH too, but can't use those yet), need PLD and BRD. We haven't seen BRD drop, but it will!

The new SNM system seems pretty fun. Did the first BC in LaVale with 13, and it was pretty easy, but a nice change.

AANNDDDD~ 10/70 coins for final stage. Its going pretty well, but fairly slowly. Bronze are just hard to come by. After I'm done with this, I have already lined up a sponsor for the dyna shell, so it will continue as well.
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