Dec 26, 2004 07:30
yes thats right i've been awake for all started yesterday at this time when my parents gave me money to put towards a digicam. Since i'm leaving in a few days the only time i had to pick one out was boxing day...i knew the lines were gonna be awful and i didnt wanna go alone so i got chris to come with me. I was gonna wake up at 3:30am to make my way over to future shop but i ended up at chris' and we just played halo2 and watched a Bill Cosby live until we had to leave. Got the future shop at 4am...doors opened at 6am...pure madness but i got an olympus D-540 with 3.2MP, 3X zoom, movie thingy and a whole lot of other things i dont understand. so i'm happy...but i feel like im going to die...never again. hope you all had a merry christmas and i'd better see you on the 27th!