I have a somewhat stern-looking Poirot on the TV; it's frozen on pause and I am waiting for the remote to charge. Hence I am back on the old internet.
I've been outside clearing the front drive of weeds, leaves and general rubbish today (lots of paper blown over our street after the council workers' strike and much of it ended up here - I think we need a little wall like our neighbours!). It was nice to get out in the sun and do something useful. I've put some soil along the fence to encourage the lavender plants which appeared there by accident. There are quite a few shoots coming through. I have no idea which variety it is but it seems to like growing there; I like it, the bees seem to like it, so who am I to say it can't grow there? LOL - that's how most plants in my garden started; lazy gardener, me! However I am determined to make something more of the border in the back garden this year. I cleared a strip of brambles 4 feet thick when I first moved in but still haven't planted anything new there. I am hoping to get a strong smelling lavender and a few catnip plants for the cats to roll about in.
Other than gardening it's been a day of scrubbing floors and doing laundry. I had put today aside for housework because
mr_pete was to be going to a job interview. Unfortunately the car broke down halfway there so he didn't make it. He was most unimpressed as it was only in the garage a week ago. Still he has another interview tomorrow with a different company; I like to today's misfortune is a sign that this one will be the right one. Fingers crossed.