Jun 25, 2008 19:33
Didn't get that job, but soon I shall have curry.
Guess I shall have to try and tolerate my current job a bit more. This 6th desk-move seems to be for a bit more of a permanent time period, but I'm annoyed with the window behind me and having to move my monitor to the side. I like everything a certain way (like a healthy way, but that's too much to ask at the council). Still, at least I've sterilised and tidied it all.
Oh yes, and I had an accident in which my left hand got smacked against a door frame whilst moving a cage trolley with a wonky wheel down a ramp to collect a delivery from reception. Swelled up nicely but the colour hasn't come out in the bruise yet, which probably means it's a nice deep one and will either come up purple or not come up at all and have people think me even more of a wuss for having cried when it happened. I'm just thankful the trolley was empty at the time because it would have broken my hand if the delivery had been in it. Not impressed with my work at the moment!
Sooo tired! Cat has kept us awake since Saturday night (having lulled us into a false sense of security on Friday and then being kept in due to neutering). This has contributed to my somewhat short temper and the rise in profanities in my everyday language. Really looking forward to an early night.