Jul 01, 2007 00:07
ugh. I have to work tomorrow morning,
meaning I have to get up at like 5:40,
annnd I can't sleep. it's terrible.
this weekend was fun though.
Thursday during the day sucked,
Sean and I got in a retarded fight.
Then went on a walk, which was rrreally nice.
It's good to know that we can still act like couple we use to be sometimes.
Friday was amazing.
I just kind of laid around being bored all day,
then Heather txt'd me and said she wanted to hang out.
I went to Ft wayne and we had a picnic under this big statue thing,
then we ran around and caught lightning bugs.
We decided to go walk around downtown ft wayne,
and got holla'd @ by like 83674384 mexicans.
After that we went to a Fiesta, and danced to crazy Mexican polka music.
We decided we were probably going to get killed if we didnt leave,
so then we went to this sweet fountain and played in it. haha.
Then these two mexican guys came up to us and started macking on us big time.
Heather and I pretty much ran away. hahaha.
Today was real boring, and kind of a bummer.
Mom, Matt, Thanh, and I all went and watched the kville fireworks.
Which was a lot fun, and reminded me of being a little kid again.
I hope I never grow up. haha.
So it was a good weekend, but tomorrow is sunday which means back to work.
This week should be an easy week though, I work Sun-Tues, and then I have wed off.
Annnnd I only have to work half days on both Thursday and Friday.
If you want to do something on any day except Tuesday or Thursday txt me or something.