oh hay its rainins

Feb 08, 2009 23:30

Cool i liek the rainnn. :D

It doesn't do that enough, imo.

Hrm. Dave will be here in less than a week. Fun times abound and no Saturday work for 2 weeks! Yay.

Oh and furry fiesta, though it's sorta become more of 'be at the con 50% of the time and the rest ok lol brb bemani-ing'

cause Dallas = dumb arcade faggots like me and dan have things to do and not bored deaths.

Hmm. not sure what i am going to do for valentines day ... i want to get dan something since I didnt last year (wasnt working) but ... there's really nothing I can think of that he wouldnt be like 'meh this is boring, dropping this in a box forever'. Maybe I will foods him again.

Dave will be here that day anyways so its not like we can CONSUMATE OUR RELATIONSHIP or whatever normal couples do on vday. though I doubt we'd want to XD





oh I stole this fun duder from Mazz

[1] Make a list of 5 things you can see:
empty water bottle
Wing zero model
pink DS

[2] Would you ever get plastic surgery?
Probably not

[3] What are 5 things you usually keep in your pocket/bag/wallet?
headache meds

[4] What person in your life has made the biggest impact on you?
Definitely my mom.

[5] What is your dream occupation? (It doesn't have to be realistic)
To sit at home, with my cat breedins, while dan rakes in the big buxxxx.

[6] Would you rather lose an arm or have an incurable headache for the rest of your life?
that's really, really hard. D: how much of my arm am I losing? I hate these kind of questions. lol

[7] Who is the last person you hugged?

[8] What is your current obsession?
stupid bubblegum music, Hello!Project, making dumb things out of fabric, my characters Alairo and Anoka, Dan, and peen

[9] Whats the last text message you recieved?
some forward about friends.

[10] What sites do you always visit when you go online?
FA, here, yahoo mail, facebook, n3k, SA forums

[11] Last thing you bought?
food, iirc

[12] What random useless fact did you learn today?
Lubbock is the 11th largest city in Texas.

[13] What do you usually drink in the morning?

[14] What would you tell your 12 year old self if you could?
I promise if that guy doesn't like you and you don't marry him and be with him forever, you will live and not die. Also, Britney Spears will be terrible in the future.

[15] If you could play any musical instrument what one would you play?
idk.. that's hard. probably drums. or bass guitar

[16] Do you have any siblings?
Older sis

[17] Whats something you would like to say to someone right now?
"Why do you lay in the same spots every day? Your life must be excellent".

To Dar.

[18] If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go?
I have many places I want to go. Scandinavia, Europe in general, Japan, the whole US. etc

[19] Whats your favorite kind of weather?
Cloudy, occasional rain. 75ish degrees.

[20] Whats the last show/gig/concert you went to?
I don't even remember. It has been a really long time

hurf durf, valentines, dumb, rain, survey, dan, dar, lubbins

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