Dec 09, 2008 11:54

So. I'm having to open for the regular switchboard girl because she took all but one day off this week for "FINALS". and probably the fact she is moving to a new place. I understand that finals are important, but did she need to take a week off? i dunno...

Alas, I was okay with that, I don't mind it, cause I thought I'd get to go home early.

No such luck. Delci I guess decided to quit without a 2wk notice after all, even though she told me that she wouldn't do something like that to me. She just... didn't show or call in yesterday, and she's MIA today too. God damnit.

David doesn't even get to take a lunch, and he's also working 7-6:30.

This is so stupid, and totally illegal.

Not to mention Delci was making a whole dollar more than David per hour (and 50 cents more than me, even though both of us have been here longer, and I do a ton more than just cashiering).

This goddamned company is so back asswards. I'd quit if I knew I'd get the same security/internet privileges/proximity to the abode as I do now. but really. its Lubbock and economy etc. I wouldn't be able to land another job.

FFFFFFF. This makes me so damn mad. Why do we have to suffer for someone else's doing? JUST HIRE ANOTHER GOD DAMNED CASHIER we needed another after Amber quit! but NOOO 'hiring freeze' but yet you're paying her more, actually paying her $15 / hr cause of the staffing service...


Why does this shit keep happening? We NEED more than one fulltime cashier. I can't be the other cashier, I have wholesales to do, and mail, and switchboard too.


This is just fucking retarded. JUST. HIRE. ANOTHER. CASHIER. At least one!!! though 2 would be ideal, and how it is supposed to be, since you know, if people request time off someone won't be fagged into working a 12 hour shift.

Cause that is illegal, stupid, and terrible running of a company, imo.

God damn.

I am so mad.

Not to mention I have to go to the bathroom, but I can't actually go for another hour, cause there is no one to relieve me.

Seriously. I probably sound like a brat or something. but I don't think it's fair!! We are getting seriously understaffed and nothing is being done about it. It's not fair to me, or David, or Lisa, the accts payable lady, because the other accts payable guy left thursday because he was told to "never expect a payraise or promotion" from the OFFICE MANAGER. That and he got reprimanded for helping the accts rec lady.

Seriously. if this keeps up, David and I have decided to demand a raise or we are leaving. (though I can't actually afford to do so[leave]...) Damn.

END RANT. for now, anyways.


<3 Kamaka

who the fuck comes up with this, why is this happening, work, fucking dumb shit

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