Feb 22, 2005 04:28
Well hello world,
I must say that life is pretty good right now. I have an ok job, loving family, wonderful friends and for the first time I feel somewhat ok being in my skin. the last few days have been a jumble of craziness, but it makes me feel sane. On monday ( a full moon) I had to call the cops on a customer who threw his coffee cup (empty) at one of my associates. That's just not cool. Also that very same day a group pf kids from the southern baptist seminary came into my store. normally with this group of people I would just serve them and not pay them much attention once I found out what they were about, but one of the guys wouldn't let me, and I am glad he didn't. If nothing else because it made me realize that as open minded as I thought I was I really am not. I rarely ever give people a chance if they seem to be extremely conservative, but Russell ( the guy who kept talking to me) he is an adorable hispanic guy and rahter funny. Well to make a long story short he showed up back at ABC right when he knew I would be closing. After I got off work we went to Java Monkey ad talked for about an hour and then I went home. He asked me for my number, and it was the first time I had ever given it to someone in that situation. No guy has gone out of their way to talk to me like that either. It was the confidence boost that I needed. I thought that guys looked at me and saw a hook up, and not something to invest time in. Granted I know it was only an hour, but he lived a good 30 to 45 min away from my work and he said he was just in the neighborhood, which I am havinga hard time believing. To add to that confusion my friend Thomas from GCSU who I was ridiculously close to broke up with his girlfriend and that opens up a can of worms that had been slightly opened before I left and I was affraid this was going to happen. I didn't want to be excited about them braking up but I am. He is a fabulous person and makes me very happy. We are going to see eachother friday night, and I can't wait to see him. Then there is this thing with my ex's wanting to see me, and that freaks me out. (no not Brandon) But Cayce and Corey (Mr. Clean) Cayce talks about spending three days with me when he is in town for spring break and my rents are in Cali. And by spending three days he means night and day. I mean it would be fun we get along just fine but I have nevedr spent that kind of time with him and I don't know how I would be able to handle it. The thing with Corey is that we were supposed to go out for lunch today, but he had to cancel because of a stat test, and now he wants to "make it up to me" and he keeps saying I am cute and adorable. I know I should be able to take the compliments, but coming for ex's it is hard to take it as a general compliment. I know this must be an annoying entry for those of you reading it, because it is about boy stuff and my fristrations and joys with it, but that is what has happend to be going on in my life right now. I mean I could be talking about the oh so exciting life of being a big sister or what book I am reading (which isn't half bad). I must be off to go and get ready for a family dinner.