i miSS Big H & biG A :(

Jun 08, 2005 00:57

12:15--NOthing to do..nOt tired...boRed as hAil upDate Y not?

sooo todayyy-eeew WORked 11-2 Getten up waS not fUN! weNDy picked me
up-she waS in a PanIC bc she got A call from my aUnt sayen to call her
baK its an emerGency but shE CoulDnt get a hold OF her..sO weNDy was
all neRvous & on the way hoME noticEd grandma n Grandpas car waS
over theiR House..we stOPped to finD out my liTTle brat of a cOusin
matthEW tiPPed the caRt over wheN liTTle baby michAel was in it aND
"sevERed" michAels finger and i guESs it liKe fell ofF! ewhaegkjbg sicK! so we weNt to the hoSpital to piCK up the other 2 kiDs whiLe my auNt n miChael stayed at the hoSPItal..so then icaME hoME fell aSleep tiLL matt came over n woKe me up :0!! i waS piSSED! me n biG mama AKA emily are getting fED uP w/ hiM lately...

itS only been a wEEK or so and i ALreaDY miSS can, n my soCcer laDies:(
n who cuD forget KENNY??? eew i just tOucHed my hair and reALized i
DIDTN SHOWER TODAY i feel liKe a toTal buM--i think i sLeep too much Is
paRt of the probLem..

well Can, i loVe u & miSS u--CALL ME ***ps--kingyS gettin lonELy,
he neeDs some seXin, u know the nuMber

ps-REDneCK toLd me he doeSnt want me on the COMputer anymoRe when itS
late..cuz its riGht unDer his N weNdys room...UHHH SICK!! too Much inFO

lAtaa-xOxO ...leaVE one

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