Title: Be With You
kam2452Rating: R
Pairing: Yoochun/Junsu
Musical Inspiration: Be With You (Rock Mix) by Aziatix
Summary: They'd met sophomore year of high school, and started a friendship with the knowledge they'd have to part in a year. Now, twelve years later, Junsu remembers the promise they made oblivious to the surprise headed his way.
Author’s Note: Junsu and Yoochun are 28 years old. They were 16 when they met. This is dedicated to
0101xiahtic who I recently got to meet in real life~ ^^
Warning: Crossdressing!
“If both of us are single by the time we’re 32, let’s have a baby.”
Yoochun and he both know that neither of them can physically have a baby, so what Junsu really hears is let’s adopt a baby together. It’s not an unprecedented thought. It is something that has been a bit of a joke between them while growing up. A joke that stemmed from Junsu's hobby - one he'd never meant to share with Yoochun.
Junsu liked to crossdress.
The first time he'd crossdressed had been at age 2. He had his mother to thank for the picture of his smaller self posing in a girls swimsuit. He hadn't had any interest in crossdressing again until he entered high school. By then he'd started reading any manga he could get his hands on. It wasn't until someone asked him what his favorite
manga was that he realized something was a little different about his taste.
Paradise Kiss.
"Is it the sex scenes?" His brother had asked.
No, Junsu had seen enough sex scenes in mangas to know that wasn't the attraction.
"The drawing style is nice. Is the main character your style then?"
It really was, but if it was really that Junsu knew there were a handful of other mangas he favored just for drawing style.
"What is it then?"
The dress.
The thought had come unbidden to his mind.It was that realization that had led to a year of self discovery where he'd done everything and anything to see how far his love of the dress went.
He'd met Yoochun the following year. He'd been a study abroad student at the time, meant to only stay a year. They hit it off well enough. Yoochun liked manga too. He had a special place in his heart for frilly maid cosplay.
Their shared love for manga and anime had been what had ultimate let Junsu's secret hobby out of the bag. Yoochun discovered Junsu's secret three weeks before he was due to leave Japan. It had been an unplanned meeting in the heart and soul of lolita country. Yoochun had tried hitting on him until he'd gotten close enough to realize the girl he'd been trying to cozy up to was his best friend.
That was the name Yoochun had given Junsu after the first time he'd seen him in a skirt.
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