I become easily obsessed with lists. I enjoy reading them, comparing them, and making them and I list all sorts of things, not just movies. But at the end of the year, I start to compile lists of the movies I've seen and what I thought about them. This is an essential part of movie-going because I often don't really know what I thought about a film right after seeing it. It needs to bounce around in my head for awhile and then upon rethinking a film I can gauge if a film was great, good, or just something that appealed at the time.
I've been reviewing the movies of the 2000s in an attempt to come up with a top 10. However, I've seen too many really awesome movies. Looking over this 10+1 list, there are so many I wish I could squeeze in. But I cannot take any out. This is agonizing!
My top 10 of the aught's And
this is the ever growing list of movies I really, really liked during the decade.
cross-posted to my
movie blog.