First, I must cheer. Tonight was a Niki and Sylar free zone! Yay!
Eric Roberts? Looks creepy like 70s era Mr Spock meets Richard Gere on this. It's that or he needs to be reading bad poetry in a smoky bar somewhere. Maybe both. Either way... *shudder* But I guess since we have Sulu, they wanted Spock too? Just no Kirk singing and it'll be all good. *vbg*
Wee!Hiro! Heee! For a minute I was hoping for wee!Peter but wee!Hiro was just too damn cute.
Flashback!Claude's hair? Oh the pain. I'm missing Nine's clean-cut with leather jacket look right about now. ;) However my love for Claude continues.
Who knew - Matt does know how to be NOT boring! Yay Matt! Get away from the wife and interact with others like yourself more often, please. Please? However, hurry and get yourself unsedated. And maybe then y'all could all join up and get rid of Niki and Sylar? I'd love ya lots.
Claire continues to rock. I miss Zach so very much, though. They better explain his just being gone damnit. They went to such lengths to get him back into Claire's life only a month ago (episodes wise, not timeline wise), they can't just let him disappear. It's bad enough he's leaving the show as it is. If they're taking away my Claire and Zach cute fix, they really need to hurry up the Claire and Peter meeting back up thing.
Glad we're getting some of HGR's motivation shown - there's been so much speculation it's nice to see canon playing out. Bonus points for fanon having called it right that he's not just the outright bad guy. I love that while he started out all mister "I don't want a family, she's just a job" somewhere along the line he became a loving daddy to Claire and would do anything to protect her. Awww. Who knew I'd come to like you, HRG.
And that ending between Claire and HRG? Oh, ouch, that just hurt. *sniffle*
Also, am continued to be relieved by the saftey of Mr Muggles. Whew. And no, I'm not really kidding on that one. *g*