Such a grood weekend...

Sep 25, 2006 17:08

 Livejournal cut because I know some of you just don't care to read it...

~Friday, the 22nd of September:

So, I'd just like to start off saying a big Thank You to everyone who made this weekend rock so hard. First, I went out to lunch with daddy and he filled me in on all the crazy extended family crap that's going on. Jeez, it's insane. But, we ended up having a great lunch. Yeah. Then, I got home and played Perfect Dark with Nick for a while and we tried to beat the unbeatable level. Patrick needs to show my how to do that soon. Anyway, soon after I was off to Webb's. I met up with Ben, Jolene, Joel, Kristen, Spam, Drake, and Kathryn. Fun and noise ensued. Here are some quotes:

"It's mmmmmalignant" ~Joel talking about the tumor-esque blueberries
"I have a pen in my pocket..." "and it's for you!" ~Joel and Kaity respectively
"My mom said I was born with no soul!" Spam
"Joel drools... Kaity saves!" ~Joel
"I wanna see your head." Kristen

Drake and Spam presented me with a lovely care package including dollar store tampons, the bible, a book of gross facts, a Jewish scarf, and a "#1 Grandpa" pen. It was incredibly thoughtful. After waiting forever for our checks, we headed to Ben's house to park and trek to the game. It was rough getting through the forest, but we succeeded. Mrs. Hamberger let us in for the student price. I pretty much just went for the band. The little kids section on the end was annoying, so I pretty much just hung around with the band kids. When they left, our group took over their section. By then we had picked up Amanda, Julie, Evan, and Robert. The field show... ah what to say. Lots of holes, but I'm sure it'll be better at Homecoming. They seem so small now... They didn't sound too bad though.

After that, our group (plus Jordan Nelson, Brett, Gavin, Frank, Chris, his Homecoming date, Zach Soddy and some other kids) headed to Starbuck's to relax... or caffeinate ourselves. More good times, then Joel, Frank, Ben, Evan, Robert, Jolene, Kristen and I headed to Kristen's to watch part of "Moulin Rouge" and "This Is Spinal Tap". I took a ton of pictures of Joel for a mood theme. Haha. If I ever make that, it'll be hilarious.

~Saturday the 23rd of September

Spent the day shopping with my mom. Like I said, I needed to buy a bunch of stuff, so we did that. Good times. She ended up buying Turtle Chex Mix and giving samples to the Wal-Mart employees. Ah, then we drove to Goodwill, parked in the parking lot and got a call from my dad. We told him we were thinking of going to a movie. There was an argument about chicken... So, we went to see "The Illusionist". I tell ya, that is a good movie. Edward Norton reminded me of what Mr. Gould wishes he could do with an accent. I guess you have to see it to understand. Anyway, Biel's performance bothered me a bit, but I really enjoyed the plot. Anyway, we went home to eat the friggen' chicken. Then I get a call to go to Ben's at 8. I do. Frank, Kristen, Ben, eventually Joel and I watched "Lord of the Rings: Return of the King" and made numerous comments regarding the sexuality of the characters and the lack of any monogamous heterosexual relationship. In other words: gays and love triangles. Somehow LotR ended up stretching from 8 to 1 am. Then we watched Robot Chicken. That was the end of that evening.

~Sunday, the 24th of September

Sometime Saturday night, Ben suggested mini-golf on Sunday, and somehow that worked out. Joel, Kristen, Ben and I went to River Falls. It made me miss Krissi and Orlando. Haha. Anyway, no one really took it seriously. Ben would hit the ball once and then kick it until it went in. It was a freaky Irish jig thing. I just would hit it, then pick it up and walk away because I learned that the more I tried, the worse it was. My suckiness made Joel cackle. It was funny. Somehow we ended up profiting 3 balls, after losing one. That somehow would be due to dedication to release some trapped balls. After mini-golfing, which I'd bet Joel won, we went to Taco Bell because Ben was hungry, and he was the driver. Joe got Kristen and I free food. Woo! Talked to Mike T. Then Chris called and he and Brett met up with us. Chris witnessed a drug deal. Brian Koceja came in to work. Kristen and I made sauce packet dialogues.

Ok, before I go into this next part, you all should know that I drank Baja Blast Mountain Dew. True, this could be imagined, but it makes me really hyper. Now that that's our of the way, on to THE BATTLE ROYALE!

So we left the Bell after I kept saying we should go to the dollar store. I really have no idea why I wanted to go in the first place. Probably because it was cheap and I like looking at things there. Anyway, in the Bell parking lot, I did the Mountain Dew dance and then almost threw up from laughing. (Understand the disclaimer yet?) So we got to the dollar store and made the plan. Originally, it was going to be Ben and I battling to see if his shirt was correct. His shirt being the "Pirates are way cooler than ninjas" shirt. He wanted pirate stuff, I wanted pink ninja brass knuckles. Chris and Brett got detained by a very talkative black male named Lenny. I guess he was calling them "brother" and stuff. Anyway, Chris got a way and Joel got sucked in. So, they were doing that while Ben, Kristen, and I formulated the plan further. Chris had snuck out to his car, and eventually we all got out with our purchases. I bought a paper-fabric ninja costume made for a 10 year old and it almost fit. Haha... Also some weapons.

We went to Kristen's and suited up. I was a ninja. Ben, a pirate. Joel, a "Native American", Kristen, a rock and roll cowgirl, Chris, a policeman, and Brett, a knight. We took pictures and video taped a 2 minute duel. I think it would've been longer, but I had to leave. The ninja prevailed, of course. (Note to interested participants: I found my missing disk in my pants...)  
I encourage you all to check out the pictures on my Facebook. There are some pretty darn interesting ones...

I laughed more than I have in a loooooong time. What a great weekend.

memories, friends

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