Grand pianos crash together

Feb 14, 2017 15:04

A very happy birthday, as ever, to mraltariel!

I'm in the throes of going to press - a week earlier than usual in recent years, which means there's a chance I might be able to nip across to Sheffield for some of Redemption. But things are pretty awful now, which is probably why it took me a week to notice that Alec McCowen has died. On reading the obituary, I found out that he had lost his partner Geoffrey Burridge in 1987... I kept thinking "I know that name, did he appear in Blake's Seven?" And when I looked it up, of course, Geoffrey played Dorian. He was only 38 when he died, though Alec McCowen was older than I am now. Thirty years is a very long time to be widowed - a little longer than my mother, though not as long as my aunt.

Anyway, I was wondering about a song for Valentine's Day, and thinking that I hadn't chosen anything by the Magnetic Fields yet. The Book of Love is the obvious one, and maybe the right one. I love it so much I wrote an extra verse.

But I think I'm going to have "When my boy walks down the street", which I first knew from an icon of gair's. Because I am now imagining it as Alec McCowen watching Geoffrey Burridge walking down the street, and I'm thinking what a shame it is that Geoffrey never heard something so joyful.

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