I fall to the XMFC bug

Sep 08, 2011 01:00

Since fengirl88 herded me into a cinema to watch X-Men: First Class at the weekend (which is primarily down to ginbitch doing the same to her a month earlier), the shamelessly romantic and ultimately angsty love of Charles and Erik has somehow fused in my mind with Roy Redmond's cover of Good Day Sunshine to produce the image of the pair mooching round France on ( Read more... )

fiction, x-men

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ginbitch September 8 2011, 03:11:44 UTC

Absolutely gorgeous!

For _me_?

*hugs fic* *hugs you* *hugs fic again*

There's just so many lovely little moments! The discussion of Charles's tie, Erik's fond concern... This is exactly how I visualise their relationship - and you made it tender without being cloying and respectful of their differences without being angsty! Absolutely pitch-perfect!


<3 <3 <3


kalypso_v September 8 2011, 03:26:19 UTC
Thank you! I'm so pleased that you like it! Once I had the idea, I knew it had to be for you, because you were ultimately responsible for my seeing the film, and because it's such an important week.

I think some years the encounter might be more barbed than stilted (and I did wonder if I'd gone too far with the floating chair, but when I imagined the jolting it didn't keep time with the soundtrack). But if it happens every year, it can play out in all kinds of forms, so this time it's tender.

Enjoy the concert!


ginbitch September 8 2011, 07:53:05 UTC
Definitely! There's a sense in this that their relationship is fragile and the balance will vary but that ultimately, it's partly because they love each other that they're so locked in conflict - each other's opinion matters. Equally, what they have is more important than that conflict. I loved your description of their first meeting post-beach - and your line about how it is these meetings which keep Charles going through the struggle. Your writing is so completely in character for both of them.

A lovely fic, with so much going on beneath the surface!



kalypso_v September 8 2011, 17:19:09 UTC
what they have is more important than that conflict

If love were all, they would both give up the conflict and go and live in a cottage somewhere, but they're swayed by a sense of responsibility for all their kind. Still I think in their own minds they're fighting for each other, as well as against each other - struggling for a world that's fit for the lover to live in (if he'd only come to his senses and recognise that).


jhall1 September 8 2011, 08:38:12 UTC
For those of us who are curious - OK, let's be honest, nosey - are you willing to reveal what your "brilliant news" is? Anyway, whatever it is, congratulations. :)


ginbitch September 8 2011, 08:56:17 UTC
It's the offer of my dream job! (Unless Kalypso is thinking of something else). Can't say more yet, as it's still technically confidential but I'm very excited!



jhall1 September 8 2011, 09:06:09 UTC
Excellent. :)


kalypso_v September 8 2011, 10:52:07 UTC
Yes, that's what I had in mind. I was going to wish you luck, but I'd got the dates mixed up and thought the interview was today until I heard the news last night!


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