A day of binary emotions

Sep 25, 2010 23:11

A strange day, which I spent nearly half an hour describing and then the entry somehow disappeared, so I've got to try to remember the words... I was still on a high when I woke, so much so that I wondered whether I was still a little drunk, despite the competing symptoms of a hangover, or whether it was just the excitement of last night driving me on.

I had to get up before seven to set off for London, where I was taking minutes at a meeting (and created a mild frisson by revealing my Gratuitous Space Lesbian tshirt when the room got too hot for my light woolly). The meeting was finally winding up as the Labour leadership results were being declared; the last couple of items were routine and fairly dull, so I risked clamping a pocket radio to one ear. It wasn't ideal, as I was keeping the sound as low as I could while still trying to monitor the voice of the committee member speaking in case I needed to minute any of it. But the Chair took pity on me, and called up the live coverage on his laptop which he turned round to face me. The radio coverage seemed to be a couple of minutes ahead, however, so I got there first. I was surprised to find I was shaking as the last couple of rounds of percentages were read out. I switched off then, but did manage to see a couple of minutes of television coverage on my way back to Euston, including the fraternal embrace (which I was expecting, of course; Ed praised his brother at least three times in last night's speech).

I spent much of the train journey home with a rather wonderful story by
legionseagle (not yet online), which caused me to re-examine a significant episode of my life, so I was working with a strange mixture of strong emotion and smart/non-smart punctuation.

And then I got home to the hungry pussy cats, and a message to say that one of the loves of my mother's life has died. I've had a long phone conversation with his wife (they separated many years ago but remained close) and I'm going to his funeral on Friday.

I think that was it. I'd better eat something now.

Also posted on Dreamwidth, with

politics, death, friends, family

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