What's the Point?

Apr 17, 2010 22:30

So much rushing about the country, I'm struggling to keep up with posting... I've been to London four times in less than four weeks, and Derby and Grange too. Next week I'm due in Kettering. All of which means I haven't got round to sharing the latest view of Old Trafford, from my visit on the first day of Lancashire's Championship season. (We hope we may start as we finished in September last year. April 18: And we did, by 121 runs, with five wickets for debutant slow left-armer Simon Kerrigan.)

I arrived at the ground to find the pavilion overshadowed, in pretty much all senses, by the new stand/box/facility/development, or whatever you want to call it. The club calls it The Point. Their proud slogan is "What's the Point?", a question repeated with much mirth by the members, whose general attitude is as much WTF? As Colin Evans says, in Mods and Blockers*, "Oh dear! Apparently they wanted something with a Northern flavour and what immediately came to my mind was the container depot at Trafford Park..."

First, a brief reminder of last year's events:

They demolished the Ladies' Stand and Pavilion.

And they started building...

And so, for those with strong stomachs... The Point!

It isn't quite finished yet, which is why no one's sitting in that area; they hope to have it ready in time for the AGM, which has been postponed until June so that we can all go in and look at it then.

* A curious account of 1965, "Lancashire's Rock 'n' Roll Summer", in which Col never actually manages to see Lancashire play, though he's occasionally in the same city.

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