Circling round McKellen

Apr 02, 2009 14:01

I was about to send the link to the Telegraph's interview with Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart about Waiting for Godot to selenak. And then I thought other friends might enjoy it too.

There was another Telegraph interview with Stewart last month, which I keep forgetting to mention - sadly it has only one of the eight photos that adorned the paper version (if anyone would like me to post that to them, get in touch). The joint interview had a single picture in both versions, but it's a nice one.

I've now seen three episodes of The Wire, though maybe I should rewatch them, as I tend to do it even later than they're broadcast and last night I kept falling asleep and having to replay the last three scenes trying to take them in. I kept thinking that Dominic West, who plays McNulty, seemed familiar, and was surprised to find that I'd seen him most recently playing Cromwell (rather well, I thought) in The Devil's Whore. But then I was even more surprised to find that I'd first seen him as Mark Ramprakash Richmond* in McKellen's Richard III. Which brings me round full circle.

*Have been trying to find pics of West and Ramps to show the likeness, and of course nothing I can find online quite does it.
But every time I see the film and Richmond comes on I think "My god, that's Mark Ramprakash!"

theatre, film, television

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