Back from the wedding

Oct 26, 2008 01:50

I have spent most of the day at a wedding, but thanks to the judicious alternation of wine and orange juice I do not appear to be drunk. Quite pleased by this as I could do with a working day tomorrow.

It was a most enjoyable wedding, but as I don't believe any of you know the couple it's probably not appropriate to go into too much detail, or post photos. But it was my first civil partnership ceremony, and also my first Buddhist ceremony (one followed the other), and the first wedding where I began to get a bit worried about whether it would go through OK as one of my friends got so choked up at the emotional bits of the declaration that she lost her voice.

And there was a harpist playing Greensleeves and Satie and Love Me Tender, and lots of good food, especially the soup, and a quiz for which we eventually got the answers but no marks, and a slide show including a photographic re-enactment of the couple's first meeting, and in the evening we had a ceilidh, though we never seemed to get round to stripping the willow. And people talked to me all day even though I didn't know all that many of them, and there were many wonderful costumes, especially those worn by the central couple.

I wore my black velvet coat that I often wear at cons, and the tricorne hat. I wasn't sure about the hat, but when I mentioned it to them a few weeks ago they said oh yes, I should. I got some odd looks on the bus this morning, but it was worth it for the moment when I stalked into the foyer of the Midland Hotel, saw the bridal party waiting, and swept off my hat in a deep bow, while my friend's mother gasped "What an entrance!"

friends, wedding

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