Rest In Peace my dear friend...

Dec 20, 2009 12:55

My youngest cat Buddy passed away last night at an indeterminate time. Kristi found his limp body by the christmas tree around 9PM. I briefly gave him kitty CPR but when I check in his mouth to see if there was any debris and his mouth was cold I knew it was too late. He had acted normally right up to the end, so we really don't know what happened. He was only 2-1/2 years old.

For those of you who didn't know Buddy Cat he had such a wonderful personality. He loved people and even though he was a bruiser towards Hydro and Magellan, they cared for each other like brothers. He loved to perch himself on the bookcases near our front door. I'll have many fond memories of him perched up there to see me off to work in the morning and again when I returned home. He made us smile every day with his antics. He would follow us down to the shower in the basement and chirp at us when we went into the laundry room. When I would pick him up he would nuzzle his little nose in the crook of my arm. He loved to lay between Kristi and I at night for warmth and he would always badger us awake if we let the alarm clock snooze too many times. He enjoyed playing with his chirping bird and would often carry it all throughout the house (and at all hours of the night). However, his favorite toy was just a simple hairband.

So I'll miss my Buddy. He was always there when I needed comfort and always enjoyed a good snuggle. Thank you Buddy. For all the good memories and happy times. I will always remember you and cherish the short time we had together. I feel a small sense of comfort knowing that he's perched somewhere up above me right now.


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