Mar 04, 2006 22:27
Wow, I haven't updated in like a week...probably because I have been so busy. I do nothing but work it seems like.
I had today off so that was nice. This morning when me and Bob got up we got ready and headed out. We was going to go to Olde Dutch for breakfast but they don't open up until 10:30am now, so they no longer have their breakfast buffet. So we ended up at Bush's. It was pretty tasty...its my dad's favorite place to eat here in Logan...they have the best coffee in town (an inside joke through the whole town cause of the commercial), their coffee really is good though lol. After that we went and got groceries. We came home and put stuff away and then settled down to watching "Wedding Crashers". I thought it was hilarious, but Bob didn't care for it because it was mostly a love story...I thought it was great. Then we played around on the computers for a while and then ended up watching "The Devil's Rejects". It was alright. When the girl got hit by the semi it was so gross. Did anyone know that the girl who played Baby is Rob Zombie's wife? I didn't. After that we just lounged around the house.
Tonight we went over to Mom and Dad's to play a game. We played Shooters - its kinda like Yatzee and Poker. Very fun. Around 9:30 we headed home and here we are.
Yesterday Bob's niece Christina had a miscarriage. I felt so bad for her. I know that her and Josh (her boyfriend) haven't been getting along well. The only reason she went back to him was because of being pregnant. So, maybe it just wasn't meant to be? I don't know. Its just really really sad.
On a good note I found out at work that since I am an Asst. Manager I am entitled to vacation days...I don't know if it is after a year of being there total or a year of being an Asst. But either way that is a good deal...I know I am going to be there for a long time anyway.
Bob got his federal income tax back. So we were able to get caught up on bills. That makes it really nice. Once we get things in order we are going to look for another place to move. Our landlord is such a doofus. Ok, our front porch is rotting away, literally. You have to be careful where you walk because you could proably fall through. Bob told the landlord about it yesterday and his way of fixing it was to put yellow caution tape around it and move the mail box so that no one would fall through. WTF? Something like that needs fixed. Our year long lease is up this month. From then on we are going on a month to month lease, so when we get the money and find a place we can move to we can get the hell out.
Well, I think I am going to head off to bed. I got to be to work at ll:30 tomorrow...I work with Shirley all day...not looking forward to that. She just gets on my nerves.
You all have a nice rest of the weekend.