Torchlight - update!

May 02, 2012 22:41

Last night I played Torchlight for the first time!

It's FUN! :D

Got to say, the not-being-able-to-target-enemies-with-the-mouse thing really doesn't bother me the way I thought it would! While it means it loses a touch of the Diablo-like gaming experience, that is rather made up for by pacey gameplay and an almost platformer-esque feel!

I think I need to do a little reading around the classes and stat and skill stuff, but all in all it's pretty approachable, easy to pick up and play, and overall quite a lot of fun!

The only downside, if I was to name something, is the teeny tiny text size. It makes certain things rather tough, primarily comparing items and reading quest stuff. Need a big HD TV ;p

So yes - to anyone with an XBox 360, I'd say at least give it a go and download the demo!

xbox 360, torchlight

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