Apr 22, 2012 19:33
If so, who cares? :) Hehe blamming. A portmanteau? That's almost as good as a Mort Panto! :D
Oh my goodness. SO...
First things first: I watched the last ever episode of Ugly Betty today. Oh. My. Goodness.
I would be lying if I said it did not make me happy-teary :) Having seen the first series and intermittent episodes of the next two, it's been really nice to watch pretty much the whole of this last one - in particular the latter half. It's lovely, having seen the start of an awesome series, to get to see it through to the end. LOVED IT.
Next things next: Diablo III Beta!!! Been geeking out on Twitter with some folks who have been playing it - they've very kindly answered all my questions with great patience :) As I can't play it myself, I'm thoroughly enjoying it vicariously :D It sounds SO good. Gotta say, it's all thanks to a lovely bloke from Sheffield, who has really helped ease me into the whole Twitter thing, helped me make friends, and generally been awesome.
The Demon Hunter, originally the class I had the most reservations about, is rapidly becoming my favourite class. It is unique in that it has not one, but TWO "mana" sources! Combining Diablo II's Assassin with a bit of Amazon/Rogue, and you have a badass character. S/he is not, despite having a bevy of ranged attacks, a "sit back and shoot from afar" class, by any stretch of the imagination from what I've seen; I reckon that constantly moving and shooting so you don't get caught by a horde is a necessity.
Last things last: KFC!!! K had her induction today! :) She hasn't got any shifts this week as they're waiting on uniform, but Yay! We really really need this. Looking after X-man today was nice too :) I definitely feel like I'm more confident; I'll even say that being a father is the one thing I feel like... like I was born to do. I feel surer about that than I ever have about any career move! :)
Woo! :D
EDIT: I forgot to give a big shout out and *hugs* to kutekitty1981 and cal_j_fielding, my awesome LJ peeps :)
ugly betty,
diablo iii