Jun 24, 2010 22:01
- 10:30 @ amandagolding I feel your pain...today is last day of packing and ridiculous amounts to do. Where are the helpful fairies, one may ask...? #
- 14:58 @ amandagolding ooh, I'd love a cuppa, thanks :) not sure I can get through the dining room to the kitchen at the (cont) tl.gd/23hes1 #
- 14:59 Beows definitely know what's going on chez us. Eskarina has taken it upon herself to hide so she doesn't have to go in the dreaded carrier #
- 15:01 @ suddain there's also lipstick for 'other lips' too...saw an advert for it once. Still freaks me out! #
- 15:56 @ suddain that was exactly my reaction #
- 17:25 Hmmm...don't think I'll be able to watch telefin this evening, do you? tweetphoto.com/28882899 #
- 20:44 It's official. Have now resorted to full sugar and caffeine cola to help me through the lergy that's lingering and also to PACK. NOW. Sigh. #
- 21:59 Have decided enough is enough and am off to bed with Mr Dazs, Kerry and Earl Grey tea. For medicinal reasons only, of course. Yep, that's it #