This year's AN went better than last year, I do believe. I wasn't as angry and frustrated about my Ted costume (*coughprocastinationisnotthewaytogoodcosplaying,noitisn'tcough*) since it was closer to completion than my Luc one. Was annoyed at the little cousin, brothers and brother's friend for depending on me when I told them expressedly that I'd be busy with my own costume and would have no time to take care of theirs.
The AA wasn't too bad this time. Although... really... there still was no one to buy my stuff. I think prints aren't the way to go unless you have some colored stuff and even then, it has to be of extra good quality since no one buys otherwise. Bookmarks and other such little trinkets work better, methinks. Commission doesn't happen often either.
The dealer's that's something that's making my wallet uneasy... I went and bought nearly all of the Ronin Warriors DVD series (I'm only missing vol 7, dammit!) and got two dvds of Sohryuuden and the PSME dvd. DIdn't really buy anything other than that... a few clear files, the first volume of Here is Greenwood (yay for Viz! 'cos I wouldn't have bought it if it had been Tokyopop) and pocky. 'shou lent me some cash for a box of 12 copics. I have the CASE this time too! <333 ...but it makes me wonder what I'll do with my 36 copic case. It's woofully lacking 24 copics to make it full. :( Next year, I guess it's more copics for me. Have to write down which ones I have... totally didn't think about it when I got to the kiosk.
The only other thing I participated in was a photoshoot. :D But it was great! We had... *thinks* Jeane, Sarah, Luc, Yuber, Ted, Chris, McDohl, Hai Yo, Meg, Wakaba, Eleanor, Helmut... and I think that's it. Were supposed to have more, but it didn't happen, unfortunately. It was great though and I'm hoping to see the pictures soon! (everyone else took pictures, so even w/o a camera, I'm fine.). It's a good way of meeting people tho. xD;;; Although, I don't think Ted was supposed to go "omg" and lean (accidentally) on Jeane's chest. That startled me a lot. o.O
While I'm still on ppl I met, it was wonderful seeing 'shou again, although she still has the habit of playing with my hair (no real objection on my part though). Meeting
uftaki and
karthur was interesting. No one looks like what you think they do when you meet them. 'ly happened by on Saturday morning, and it was fun (!?) getting to worry together about getting our costume ready for the photoshoot. Poor her though, the only Zexen with a bunch of Destroyers. xD She wasn't happy about that, ahahahahaha! Also saw
emagnus and
aoshi amongst other ppl (the Sarah, for example, I think is 'dessa' but that means doublechecking in the cosplaylab, grr).
Hmm... I'm being terribly 'after the fact', as usual... meh... always like that unless I'm still in the groove and write something down. xP @ self.
Now going off to work and coming back online on Friday after we get the internet working in the other place. I'll either be sewing some more or drawing. Webpage'll happen only later since I can't do everything at the same time.