Apr 25, 2007 12:45
Hello everyone
Yes, I really didn't drop off the face of the earth -- those of you at the wedding do recall seeing living people dancing who seemed to resembel me and Bean. Saddly, that was the major break this semester, and I only just unpacked this week from that weekend.
Classes are over for the semester, and I am in break week, which means I am only working 40hours in the lab. I am trying to destress before summer semester starts up again. On the whole, it went well. I only have to grade my final exam questions and I will be DONE with the semester. :)
What is happening here -- very little actually. We have been working a LOT and I traded sleep for study time, but otherwise we have been spending a lot of time house hunting. Major push comes this weekend, and we are planning on writting up an offer within the month, in the hoped of moving no later than June. We will see.
I have an experiment running that I have to get back to now, but I plan to post more later and try to send out e-mails as well. (gasp -- communication, what a concept!)
'Till next time --