Bookstore bingo

Aug 21, 2010 17:46

You just cannot make some of these people up.

CUSTOMER: I'm looking for this's about memory?

BILL: Okay, what's the title?

CUSTOMER: Oh, I gotta know the name of it?

BILL: Yeah. Or the author.

CUSTOMER: Uh, I don't remember the name of the guy who wrote it, either, but it was about memory. Like, how to improve your memory?

BILL: Yeah, sorry, there's a lot of books on that subject out there, I'm not sure which one you're looking for.

ME: *hides ironic eyebrow behind baby*

CUSTOMER: I saw something about it on TV. Maybe if you could just show me your memory book section.

BILL: Well, those kinds of books are mostly in the self-help section, which is right here.

CUSTOMER: Oh, I just want a book about memory, I don't really need a self-help book. *picks up self-help book, apparently at random* This is all stuff about *consults book's back cover* "emotional intelligence." *looks at me for the first time* That's, like, women stuff, right?

ME: *incredulous blink*

CUSTOMER: *turns back to Bill* It's women stuff, right?

BILL: *attempting not to laugh* Uh, no, not necessarily.

CUSTOMER: Okay, well, I'm gonna cruise around and see if I can find that memory book. Thanks for your help, man. *disappears into store*

ME: Really?

BILL: *chuckles* Yeah.

ME: Wow.

random interludes, store, crabby bookstore owner is crabby, hilarity

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