Jan 02, 2010 12:15
If I could sum 2009 up in two words, they would be "yay!" and "blaarg":
February: Yuck. I forgot being pregnant involved puking.
March: Like, a lot of puking.
April: *ralphing noises*
May: Um...is this going to stop sometime soon? I didn't think it was supposed to go on quite this...*pause to breathe deeply and not think about vomiting*...long.
June: *whimpers and quits job*
July: New plan: I'm just going to sleep for the rest of the pregnancy. Everyone okay with that? Splendid.
August: I hate being pregnant. I hate summer. I hate pants and shoes and food and showers and moving. I hate everything.
October: This is a lot harder than it looks on TV. Also: ow.
November: On the upside, my kid is super cute. Here, look at the five thousand pictures I took of him this morning.
December: Okay, I think I've got the hang of this. Sort of. Maybe. Why is the baby making that noise?
2010 has been ushered in by Baby's First Head Cold and Baby's First Attempts to Sleep In His Own Room and Let Mommy Actually Get Some Rest. Not a particular auspicious beginning (especially on the sleeping front; he got me up three times last night, and the last time he wasn't even awake, just whimpering in his sleep) but it could be worse. My kid is healthy and happy, sniffles notwithstanding, the bookstore did really, really well over the holidays, I am surrounded by awesome people who love me and go above and beyond to take care of me when I need it, and I have a new hair barrette that I am completely crazy about. Life is good. Bring it on, 2010.
babies are hard