(no subject)

Nov 05, 2009 11:06

1. OMG I miss you guys! Have been slowly trying to ease back into fandom a bit via SPN episode reactions (on which I am behind) and redial_the_gate, but I miss the copious amounts of friendslist-reading time afforded by my previous life as a Snarky Receptionist of Doom. *sniff*

2. On the upside, the geekspawn is nursing a lot better, and feeding him usually involves a lot less sturm und drang these days. I'm thus a lot more comfortable nursing in semi-public (by which I mean places where only other women can see me, I'm going to need a few more degrees of confidence and a proper nursing cover before I'm okay just sitting down in any corner and going for it). So while my internet social life languishes, I at least have regained some fragment of my real-life one and can attend church without totally stressing out every week.

3. Speaking of nursing, a question about breastmilk for people who know stuff: various books and other sources quote wildly differing numbers when it comes to how long the boobie juice can be stored in the fridge. I've seen everything from 48 hours to eight days. What is the story on that, and is there some authoritative figure that anyone can direct me to?

4. Re-reading Gone With the Wind. Damn, this book is a masterpiece.

5. This just in: my kid is really cute.

lj fairy, bear

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