
Sep 07, 2009 12:11

You know what would have been awesome? If the uncontrollable nesting impulse could have hit when it was supposed to, i.e. during my pregnancy. As opposed to after the pregnancy, when I'm under doctor's orders to rest and be very calm lest my blood pressure do scary things ( Read more... )

i am a domestic goddess, bear, health (or lack thereof)

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Comments 25

ayoub September 7 2009, 19:44:59 UTC
Looking forward to picspam! :D

*hugs you*


travels_in_time September 7 2009, 19:51:55 UTC
I'm glad you're feeling well enough to post! You've got a real cutie there and I can't wait for more pictures. I've missed something on why he's being called "Bear", though--would someone mind explaining that?

I need a job, and they're scarce on the ground; I could use some prayer in that direction. I won't mind anything that'll help pay the bills, but a job I could really enjoy and move up in would be nice, for a change. *g*


kalquessa September 8 2009, 00:27:34 UTC
He's Bear for no very good reason. *laughs* Since he's a Fourth, and has the same name as his daddy, grandpa, and great grandpa, I wanted to call him something other than Bill, which is what all three of them already go by. I don't mind Will, but it's not much of a difference from Bill and I hate "Willy" so I decided not to go that route. My family used to tack "-bear" on at the end of people's names as a way of making them affectionate and I'd heard of someone else using the nickname "Bear" as a way to distinguish between baby and his dad with the same name. I thought it was cute, so...there ya go. Not a short answer, alas.

Will definitely pray for the job situation! *hugs*


mosinging1986 September 7 2009, 20:08:11 UTC
Hope you continue to recover quickly.

If you feel like praying, a job would be nice right about now. God's not listening to me in that regard these days. Maybe He will listen to someone else. ::shrug::

Or I could come there and be your nanny! Tho'... OMG he's so teeny. I'd be scared to hold him!


Love and Prayer thomas_a_kempis September 7 2009, 20:46:37 UTC
His Fourthness is outstanding! (due in no small part to God's Grace and the hard work and bearing of various crosses by certain participants, as always).

Prayers for you and for Grandmother this AM at Morning Prayer.

Will add the other requestors for their work situations; it's not pretty out there.

Love to all in your house +


mollyringle September 7 2009, 21:30:12 UTC
Glad he's feeding so well. If it's breastfeeding, then have you experienced the joy yet of your nightshirt getting soaked in your own milk for no particular reason while you sleep? Ah, the many new experiences.

Pray for the sleep of all us new parents, yourself included. :) Cheers!


kalquessa September 8 2009, 00:29:22 UTC
My milk just came in today (they told me the magnesium I was on would make it take longer coming in than normal) and so far no huge accidents, though I'm sure those are on the way. *grin*


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